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Posts posted by benk

  1. Kinda embarrassed to admit this, but until this episode I had no idea Loudon was a musician. I just knew him as "That guy from the Judd Apatow stuff who kind of looks and sounds a little bit like James Woods but is totally not James Woods"


    But what a pleasant surprise! I really liked the "Man and Dog" song and giggled all the way through.


    Amy did a pretty good job of playing my queen Gwynny... maybe too good.


    Are you buying the new Goop T? Only 90 dollars!




    Very likely. As newcomers enter into the world of CBB and begin to figure out the show, I'm reminded of the first few episodes I listened to and why I love this podcast so much. Veteran listeners sometimes forget what it's like to spend a significant part of each show getting a feel for the pace and format of CBB, or learning the nuances of unfamiliar characters. After a few listens, you begin to feel more a part of the club.

    I really thought that guy tried to kill himself with that heavy coat.


    For real, though, I actually thought Bjork was going to be on an episode. Once Besser starting doing it, I obviously realized what was going on, and cried laughing, but... sigh. To be innocent again!

  3. I would pay good(ish) money for the Hollywood Facts theme song as a ringtone.


    SO happy to hear these three bros broin' out again. The Andy Samberg Special is one of my all-time favorite episodes. Pally drifting in and out of character was delightful, as was Andy's generous laughter throughout.


    I don't understand people saying the vibe is weird on this episode. It's Comedy Bang Bang (The Podcast) - it's ALWAYS weird. In a good way.

    Yeah, it's like they have never heard the podcast before. Except they are clearly coming from people who listen regularly.

  4. That last scene was so annoying. Catchment is collected rainwater or the collection of rainwater, when Besser said "We're in a catchment," that didn't make any sense, Koechner even said that catchment, "Is not a thing." When ignorance and over confidence collide, it's like listening to nails on a chalkboard. For example, I'm sure Besser would be annoyed if someone improvised a scene based on an unironic assertion that the persecution of atheists is not a thing, since he seems to think that's a thing. They pulled it out in the end though, by constructing a human perpetual pee fountain.

    I'm going to hazard a guess that you will be talked about on a future podcast.

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