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Posts posted by jinewlin

  1. About 1/2 of this movie is kids in period costumes doing cartwheels to the tune of extraordinarily forgettable songs. The rest of the film is dominated by a young Christian Bale's horrible Nyoooooh Yaaaawk accent (that kind of makes him sound like he's disabled) and Robert Duvall wearing a stupid beard. Ann Margaret is in it too, playing whatever the PG-equivalent of a prostitute is.

  2. Luc Besson production starring Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz as bank robbers. Dwight Yoakam is the bad guy. SH and PC sexually assault Steve Zahn while dressed as can-can girls. PC talks to horses Dr. Doolittle-style. Sam Shepherd shows up to teach them how to rob banks. Looks like a really bad episode of Briscoe County Jr. with more (clothed) tits. So bad I couldn't make it more than 1/2-way through.
