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Everything posted by JLS

  1. JLS


    (Mild spoilers) Saw this film last night, and there were too many ridiculously bad moments to count. There are little girls stabbing people with knives and using parkour to run away from henchmen with guns, who are CLEARLY more experienced than her. Then she demands to be taught to be an assassin, and her uncle agrees after firing a gun at random people in broad daylight! Also, they force sexuality into the film with the most shallow and meaningless love story subplot I've seen in while. And how many times can one woman remove her shirt in a movie? We get it. She's hot. There are countless stereotypes and action movie cliches in this film. Fat, rich guys in mansions with dumb hookers, cocky, corrupt white cops who seem kinda racist... I really could go on and on, but I don't want to spoil too much. I really can't explain to you how ridiculously stereotypical and predictable this film is. You really need to check this one out.
  2. JLS


    (Mild spoilers) Saw this film last night, and there were too many ridiculously bad moments to count. There are little girls stabbing people with knives and using parkour to run away from henchmen with guns, who are CLEARLY more experienced than her. Then she demands to be taught to be an assassin, and her uncle agrees after firing a gun at random people in broad daylight! Also, they force sexuality into the film with the most shallow and meaningless love story subplot I've seen in while. And how many times can one woman remove her shirt in a movie? We get it. She's hot. There are countless stereotypes and action movie cliches in this film. Fat, rich guys in mansions with dumb hookers, cocky, corrupt white cops who seem kinda racist... I really could go on and on, but I don't want to spoil too much. I really can't explain to you how ridiculously stereotypical and predictable this film is. You really need to check this one out.