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Posts posted by Max_Keeble

  1. This one is pretty high on the list of films that made me think: "How did this get made?" I actually saw it in the theater when I was 12, and even back then I knew it was a disaster. The film is basically a series of loosely connected scenes that slowly make you lose your appreciation for Dana Carvey. The "disguises" are impersonations that vary from recycled SNL sketch, to cliche film reference, to borderline racism, and of course... turtle.

    All in all, it's a blast to watch if you like train-wrecks. I would love to hear Paul and the gang's reaction to this masterpiece of bad ideas.

  2. This one is pretty high on the list of films that made me think: "How did this get made?" I actually saw it in the theater when I was 12, and even back then I knew it was a disaster. The film is basically a series of loosely connected scenes that slowly make you lose your appreciation for Dana Carvey. The "disguises" are impersonations that vary from recycled SNL sketch, to cliche film reference, to borderline racism, and of course... turtle.

    All in all, it's a blast to watch if you like train-wrecks. I would love to hear Paul and the gang's reaction to this masterpiece of bad ideas.
