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Posts posted by strayan

  1. Loyal challenge listener, first time poster here :)
    I LOVED hearing the candid responses from the judges to LHR. They didn't sugar coat any of their responses but my heart did break a little. LHR did have it tough, but I think the challenge this week was the most interesting one yet.
    Besser's groan at the meta/post modern stuff was the greatest.
    I didn't laugh at all at TLP but I enjoyed hearing them having a real conversation. Straying away from the "least important questions" stuff really changed my opinion of them for the better.
    LDDC made me laugh more than any other submission ever. I was really looking forward to their submission too when it was revealed they wouldn't be talking to Zach. I love hearing an angry Karl Chandler. It would have been great if they had moved on to another topic like TLP did. But it was still the funniest by a mile.
    [To clear one thing up that as an Aussie, I couldn't stand the judges get wrong and sadly what drove me to register here: The Australian footballer LDDC mentioned was Warwick Capper. He is known for his long blonde locks (80's mullet), taking great marks, tight shorts and posing nude/making a porno once his career went down the drain. He also released a song, if I remember correctly. He's an entertaining google image search / lovable national embarrassment...ahhh it feels good to get that out of my system. ]

  2. Loyal challenge listener, first time poster here :)
    I LOVED hearing the candid responses from the judges to LHR. They didn't sugar coat any of their responses but my heart did break a little. LHR did have it tough, but I think the challenge this week was the most interesting one yet.
    Besser's groan at the meta/post modern stuff was the greatest.
    I didn't laugh at all at TLP but I enjoyed hearing them having a real conversation. Straying away from the "least important questions" stuff really changed my opinion of them for the better.
    LDDC made me laugh more than any other submission ever. I was really looking forward to their submission too when it was revealed they wouldn't be talking to Zach. I love hearing an angry Karl Chandler. It would have been great if they had moved on to another topic like TLP did. But it was still the funniest by a mile.
    [To clear one thing up that as an Aussie, I couldn't stand the judges get wrong and sadly what drove me to register here: The Australian footballer LDDC mentioned was Warwick Capper. He is known for his long blonde locks (80's mullet), taking great marks, tight shorts and posing nude/making a porno once his career went down the drain. He also released a song, if I remember correctly. He's an entertaining google image search / lovable national embarrassment...ahhh it feels good to get that out of my system. ]
