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Posts posted by CapricaSixSixSix

  1. Poor Xanadu, so misunderstood. Didn't it come back as a Broadway show and also bombed?


    Jake, I enjoy when you have writer-types on the show. Comedians are obviously hilars, but writers bring a different perspective.


    [Editing to add that yes, many comedians are also writers and vice versa, but it's nice to have a nice variety of guests, especially to those not usually heard on Earwolf podcasts.]

  2. You remind me of people that will say really racist things then justify it by mentioning their one black friend.


    Amen to that.


    But it does also make the point that the reason that Wompler is so popular is because she has made several appearances and a special. Her character runs deeper because she has had more air time. (Also, it's a credit to Jessica St. Clair being amazing, obviously). It's a chicken and egg scenario. The favorite characters get more airtime, therefore we love them more, demanding more appearances, etc. etc. So, more women getting more airtime will make them more beloved in listeners' ears. Which Scott is making an effort to do. Fantastic!

    • Like 1

  3. Scott, I am grateful for for you putting your opinion out there knowing that it may not be a popular one. I think actively having more women on the show is the best way to address it to. And let me put in another push for more Amy Phillips!


    I read somewhere that Earwolf listeners are about 80% male, which is disappointing. I'm not putting that blame on Earwolf, but I think that's a reflection about comedy as a whole.


    Did a woman reply to this thread at any point?


    Interesting, I sometimes assume I am one of the few women who comment on this board (but you know what happens when you assume) but in no way can my opinion represent all women.

  4. Ebert LOVED this movie and was serious about getting Voigt a Best Supporting Oscar nomination. I'd recommend having him as the guest, but his health problems probably make that too complicated.


    Roger Ebert is a national treasure I've always loved his reviews, but in the last few years he's become more cynical about movies and his reviews are the first I go to because they cut right to the chase. He would be great on this show, but unfortunately, podcasts are not the best medium for him right now. If he doesn't already listen, he would love HDTGM.


    On that thought, it would be great to have Leonard Maltin on the show; Doug Benson certainly has a connection.

  5. 'Finger Guns' not # 1 !? Travesty !


    Outrage! I demand a recount!


    But for real, it's a wonder that any of the shows can be picked best,when they are all amazing. The b-b-b-bonus clips keep me satisfied for those little nuggets of goodness that don't warrant a whole episode.


    St. Vincent audibly groaning after a Foam Corner joke is my favorite moment of the year.


    So nice work, Scott and Paul for keeping this episode hilarious, despite the constant attempted derailing by Folgelnest. Julie was quiet but funny, and she did a good job getting into the joke on WYR.


    One of the things I enjoy most about CBB is that people have really varying interpretations of guests' intentions and dynamics. It's like life, where you just care for some, and not care for others. I found Jake to be, as he always is, to be delighted to be there and always enjoying himself. I had an initial thought that the two main guests are used to being the alpha hosts of their own shows and how that would play out, but it worked out fine (in my opinion).


    Since Garry Marshall has become such a CBB mainstay, does the real Mr. Marshall know of it? Do you think he even understands the concept of podcasts?

    • Like 1

  7. How do I email them?


    I just tweeted at Paul to look at the forums. Not sure if he reads all his '@' replies.


    Doing follow-up shows on the sequels would be awesome.


    To answer an earlier question, "sleepaway camp" is a general term used for camps where the campers live for the duration, as opposed to "day camp".

    • Like 1

  8. Not only is it a mask, but there are behind-the-scenes photos of the mask's creation online:




    Thanks for registering for the site just to post that. Also? Just spend a lot of time going through that site and the in-depth analysis. I'm tempted to go back and watch the end to see the mask in use but her face just freaked me out TOO MUCH.




    I'm officially obsessed with this movie.
