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Posts posted by CapricaSixSixSix

  1. Like most shows with an interview format, I think it's really going to depend on the guest. Also, it's the first show, so perhaps it takes time to find its track.


    Glad Macauley Culkin has a creative output. I am one of the ten people who saw and liked "Party Monster". Seems he has become a bit Michael Alig-ish in real life, no?

    • Like 1

  2. I am happy that you guys are trying to have a baby, but I have to admit my first thought was selfish - "If they have a baby, they may not have time to do a podcast!"


    But seriously, I wish you the best. Besides, pregnancy/infants will inspire more talk about bodily functions.

  3. Previously I wasn't a Dan Harmon fan (no hating, just didn't get on the bandwagon) but after hearing this, I'm a convert! Leave it to Elizabeth and Andy to bring out the best in people!


    The "why I don't go to prostitutes" part was pure gold. Uncomfortable, but totally honest. Truth in comedy, right guys?

  4. Coincidentally, I saw Jerrod at a standup showcase and he was quite charming. Especially funny bit was that in the middle of his set, he busted out with "let me tell you guys about audible.com"...it was a total Earwolf insider joke, but most of the crowd appreciated it.

    • Like 2

  5. TL always gives me a hearty laugh, but I love when things "get real." Like uncomfortable marital spats, and Andy admitting his lack of ability to meet people.


    Ever think of doing a live episode taping with an audience? That would be amazing.

  6. Loved how goofy you guys were on this one. Also, bless Cole for creating Sketch Fest- I'm lucky enough to live in SF to get to go. Last year's Viva Variety! reunion was epic.


    Elizabeth and Andy, you should totes do a live podcast taping at the Fest.

  7. Here's (what I hope is) a constructive suggestion: instead of bringing youtube clips that often take a while to get to the point, why doesn't Aaron, the researcher, bring some published articles (not even academically published, but from Time or Popular Science) instead and summarize them or read the salient points. The gang doesn't need to immediately agree (skepticism makes for some good convo) but it gives a point to base the discussion.


    If not, I will still of course listen and enjoy the podcast. Please, someone register just to disagree with me.

  8. I hate to be this person, but I can't help make a correction. Paul, you mentioned your crush on Alyssa Milano in She's out of Control, but I hate to tell you she wasn't in that movie, it was Ami Dolenz (yes, daughter of Mickey). I only know this because I watched this movie about 300 times since its release and have memorized every outfit. It also stars Matthew Perry as a rapey college guy and Wallace Shawn (RIP). Carry on!


    I've watched all the Sassy Gay Friend videos a million times a piece, and was really bummed when everyone turned on them when they got a Mio sponsorship. I thought it was great! Whenever I see it at the gas station I still think to myself, (or say out loud) "It's MIIIO! Flip it tip it sip it you stupid biotches!!"



    This was actually the ONE time I've bought a product because something I loved sponsored it. I paid the g-d 3.99 for a Mio just so I could say that phrase when I used it.


    Also? His face after the guy says he's a pitcher- hilarious.
