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Posts posted by CapricaSixSixSix

  1. Even if content is free, people are allowed to express opinion and criticism about the content. That's what's great about media- it sparks differing opinions. I, too, am not a huge fan of the in-studio performances, mostly because I'm not a fan of the specific type of music, and I'm listening to CBB because I am in the mood for comedy, not music. I do, however, chuckle at the idea of some accomplished musicians sitting in the studio listening to the characters' crazy antics and talk of fingering and wondering "what the hell did I agree to?". Luckily, it's a podcast so therefore I can fast forward when I need to. Also, Scott seems to like the music, and he can do what he wants, it's his effing show.

  2. I think that if we have a sexual dream about someone, it doesn't necessarily mean we are attracted to them in real life. I think it means there's some sort significant emotions involving them, whether it be angry, sad, impatient, etc. At least, I keep telling myself that after having erotic dreams about my dull co-worker and not Michael Fassbender.

    A foursome? Way to go Seth! I wonder what Bob Ducca would say about that.

  3. @Ghost There's also another episode in which they interview the REAL director of the movie- Tommy never gave him credit. This seems to hold up because Greg briefly mentioned that Tommy had someone stand in for him as director when he was acting in a scene (which was most scenes).

    Picking apart this movie never gets old. Can't wait for the book.

    Has anyone ever heard from the actress that plays Lisa? Poor girl.

  4. I loved how Greg imitated Tommy's accent every time he talked about a conversation they had. I feel like there was SO MUCH stuff they didn't get into with Greg there. Maybe he is saving it all for his book?

    And did anyone else feel like there was some holding back from Paul, Jason and June? Maybe they were being cautious with Greg there, but I expected this episode to be nuts. I was excited to hear Jason go apeshit with his anger. I would have loved for half of it to be with just them first.

  5. Just when I think Andy's character couldn't get any more bizarre, he throws the "Hail Satan" in there. I agree that Jason was driving things a bit too much, but Andy is so good he can take it.

    I know they are professional comedians and all, but I can't understand how they don't break character to crack up every few minutes. "Underwater Houdini"? I lost it.

  6. So glad you are finally doing this! No one in real life understands my obsession with this movie. The first time I watched it, I had to turn it off because it felt like I was making fun of someone who is developmentally retarded.

    For super fans, check out these sites, they are the best:



    And, The Room, The Game:


  7. Great episode. I can easily get annoyed by someone as high energy as Grey, but she was awesome. This is one of those episodes that makes the listener feel like they are there with you, goofing off and relaxing. Loved the old woman voice! I hope that character ends up on a show somewhere.
