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Everything posted by Splatoon

  1. Just to clarify, when you say 'within' does that mean it's included with a Stitcher Premium subscription, or are we paying for both services? Considering this seems like a tacit admission that the Howl Android App is essentially dead in the water, I actually wouldn't mind switching over to a better supported third party service, but double dipping would be a bit much since I've already got a totally solid podcast app in Pocket Casts. Also, if Howl.fm is just going to be a content thing, I'd be happy with paying for a Howl Subscription and dling them on Pocket Casts since that's a one time paid unlock.
  2. Splatoon

    HOWL Premium, HOWL Originals, HOWL.FM

    No worries, I appreciate the reply. Purely anecdotal, but I know I'm not the only one in my circle of friends who'd be happy to jump over from apps like Pocket Casts if Howl could offer a similar quality of service, so please keep up the good work and I'll be keeping my eye out for that update!
  3. Splatoon

    HOWL Premium, HOWL Originals, HOWL.FM

    Was hoping to give out some annual memberships for Christmas, but the Android app still seems rough (to put it politely). Are there any plans for a substantial update to coincide with the sale? They're podcasts fans so I think they'd dig the content, but I don't want them turned off by a shoddy user experience.
  4. Dammit, I knew that was going to be wrong. Somewhere my father is shaking his head sadly. Thanks for that link (and thanks FUCK! for the music video), sounds like that's going to be my best bet. Also, thanks again to Mr. Besser for spotlighting these musicians. I'm embarrassingly illiterate when it comes to music, so a source of consistently great recommendations is much appreciated.
  5. Great show, just wanted to ask if there's a version of "When I Was Done Dying" available for purchase that has the trippy auto-tune (?) effect, or if that's something he only does live. I like the album version as well, but I enjoyed that opening so so much I wouldn't mind double-dipping.
  6. Splatoon

    Episode 14 — All Good Things...

    The fact that there's only 14 episodes of Mike Detective is like Fiona Apple's 1997 hit single off her first album Tidal. Criminal.
  7. Splatoon

    Episode 14 — All Good Things...

    The fact that there's only 14 episodes of Mike Detective is like Fiona Apple's 1997 hit single off her first album Tidal. Criminal.