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Posts posted by honlads

  1. ย 

    honlads: couple fucked up things about this: one, distracting hair incline, two, i went to a spar today for the first time. not a eurospar, just a regular spar. i didn't even know there were other spars in the world. why two spars in one day??? bad video



    a ) Yeah, good one, except I actually have great hair and it was actually very windy that day.


    b ) I had a line about Eurospar where I said I was going to buy you a card in my "continental dojo", then turned the camera around to see Eurospar, but I edited it out because it was too good.

    • Like 14

  2. Maybe itโ€™s just me, but I think the forums are at their best when everyone is being nice to each other; weโ€™re having fun; nobody is posting at an absurd, selfish rate; weโ€™re being supportive of the show, Sean and Hayes, and each other; and weโ€™re being chill. Bet you all thought that was going to be an Aukerman ref at the beginning. No dice.

    • Like 21

  3. Hi Bruce! Yes, I did listen to the episode this week. It was so good! I was able to listen on my way to and from work because I also have to work every day this week, which is...hectic. The shows have been OK but things are kind of just getting going. I have watched other bands but nobody has really blown me away so far. I am hoping tonight will be good. I am going to see Gang of Four, Pop Group, Merchandise, Deerhoof, and a bunch of other bands.


    People have almost all been really nice and we're selling some albums and stuff but one Twitter guy said we were a "snoozefest" which made me feel surprisingly bad because, you know, yesterday I worked and then went immediately to our first show and then straight to our second show, where that guy saw us, and I was really tired, but I tried SO HARD at that show. By the end of it I was all sweaty and achey. And I don't even remember seeing that guy there, so he must have been the true snoozefest. Anyway the rest of our shows should be better.


    Things are pretty busy but I have enough time right now to take a shower and watch this week's episode of the Challenge, so that is a nice treat.


    EDIT: Actually Big Tits (from Oakland) were really good but it's really hard to like them with that name.


    I really love Merchandise. Enjoy the shows and good luck with your own ones! And that guy's a dick.






    p.s do i use too many commas? I feel like every sentence i write has like 9 commas in it.


    No, you use too many sentences. Sorry man but this was just too good a razz for me to pass up. The commas looked fine.

    • Like 17

  4. Alright, so, on the one hand, I hate to stir up controversy, but on the other, I love it because I am a villain.


    I can't prove it, but I've got a real hunch that JMonsterFace and A Bear are the same person, which means this gentleman got the pro version 2 weeks in a row. Is everyone OK with that? Does it make you mad? scared even?



    I don't think they get their beans freaked that easily. Also, they probably recorded the episode before the size of the thread reached critical mass, JMonsterface. Or should I say, A Bear??



    no one seems interested in my theory that monsterface and a bear are the same person. I personally find this shocking and dare I say appalling. If this is true, who can we even trust anymore? What if this entire forum is just like the same 4 people. Everyone needs to put their social security number (or whatever they have in countries that aren't america) in that part of your profile above the picture where it says "newbie" or "stolen by a mean crab"


    Ya sure man. Please cite.


    I've got a theory that JMonsterface and A Bear are the same person.

    • Like 16

  5. "For my age to do what I do, it's phenomenal. When I go to the gym now and I play full court ball, I'm playing with men half my age. And I got a little thing. I get a little rebound. SPRINT to the corner with it. Do a little double dribble. Uh uh. Try to go for it. One step back. ALL AIR, baby!! Playing with guys twice my height. But they don't know what I'm gonna do out there, and they can't believe I'm doing it. "Hey, man, you playing pro NBA ball." NOT! It's just that you're not used to the Larry Birds, the Magic Johnson kinda moves. I'M OLD SCHOOL!"


    - MBOP

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