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Everything posted by seanotron

  1. seanotron

    Showgirls (1995)

    The Room was a special case because they had someone that worked on the movie. The Batman & Robin episode was funny but I felt it did suffer from covering such an overdone movie. I stand by my assessment on this. Showgirls is the definitive bad movie and there's just nothing much left to say about it.
  2. seanotron

    Return to Oz (1985)

    I OBJECT! This movie is excellent. One of my favorites as a kid, actually.
  3. seanotron

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Surprisingly, I believe this is only brought up once.
  4. seanotron

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

    Ha, like I'd subject myself to that! At least Bay finally relented and left them as Teenage Mutant's instead of his original title of Ninja Turtles. (I actually still like the first one, it just had some crazy stuff in it).
  5. seanotron

    Episode 124.5 — 3/19/13 TWO CHARTED 63

    Doh! Why did I think she said spoons? I'm losing my mind. But I think you're right. Though it felt like Kulap went from zero to pissed really fast.
  6. seanotron

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

    They're doing a double-feature of TMNT and TMNT 2 on TV right now, and I'm tempted to suggest a special episode featuring both. The 2nd one is seriously about an hour long. Lots of nutty stuff in both, and a lot of oddly adult references (esp in the first one).
  7. seanotron

    Episode 124.5 — 3/19/13 TWO CHARTED 63

    In fairness, I didn't know what Kulap meant about the spoons either.
  8. seanotron

    Supergirl (1984)

    Given that this came after Superman 3 flopped and factoring in Jack O'Halloran's stories about how hard it was to get paid by the Salkinds (not to mention the fact that they deleted Brando's Superman 2 scenes because they didn't want to pay him), I sort of figured there wasn't much money to go around for this.
  9. seanotron

    John Carter (2012)

    He clearly didn't want to get involved and had seen his fill of war, but I think it's just that very human thing of having a harder time turning your back when you know the people involved.
  10. seanotron

    Superman Returns (2006)

    Well, he saves the entire stadium full of people. Otherwise the plane would have wiped them all out. But it wasn't really an issue of the world deciding they didn't need Superman, it was Lois Lane. She wrote the piece, and then we later see her writing a reversal. It was about their relationship, not so much Superman's relationship to the people of Earth.
  11. seanotron

    Supergirl (1984)

    This movie is perfect for HDTGM because it features so many otherwise good actors giving terrible performances. Faye Dunaway, Peter O'Toole, Mia Farrow...how the hell did they get these people?
  12. seanotron

    Superman Returns (2006)

    He seems like a stand up guy. I remember being impressed that he'd quit a (at the time) very successful TV show to work in politics.
  13. seanotron

    Superman Returns (2006)

    I thought they actually explored that very effectively. Besides, his first appearance is when he saves thousands of people by preventing the airplane crash, did you expect them to boo him?
  14. seanotron

    John Carter (2012)

    I'd argue Star Wars didn't change it much at all, other than names. That arena scene is almost exactly the same, the only difference is you have a human who can jump high because of Martian gravity and a Jedi that can jump high because magic. I just don't have the same issue with a suspension of disbelief. I just take into account the time period it's from. It'd be like updating the Illiad because no one speaks Homeric Greek anymore and we know the Greek Gods weren't actually involved in the Trojan War. It just gives you insight into how people thought at the time. Back when Burroughs wrote the Barsoom books there were all kinds of crazy theories about Mars, so he just put some of them to paper. I enjoy it for what it is. I'm not sure what you mean about Carter choosing slavery. You've lost me there.
  15. seanotron

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    Really? I thought it was classic Kylie with a bit of a Scissor Sisters influence. There are def other great tracks on that album though (esp the title track).
  16. seanotron


    If we're going to do an 80s movie featuring toxic waste, I have to insist we do Toxic Avenger first.
  17. seanotron

    John Carter (2012)

    These were written by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I actually enjoy the fact that they were written before we understood more about the universe. Sure, there's going to be a camp factor because they aren't hard sci-fi, but I think that's what makes them fun. I think part of the problem John Carter faced was that it was the grandaddy of sci-fi, and so many subsequent writers borrowed from it. So much of Star Wars is lifted wholesale from the Barsoom books. People felt like they were seeing a retread when in reality these stories were the basis for so many others.
  18. seanotron

    Episode 60 — Street Fighter

    I just wanted to post this Kylie video to remind everyone that she still makes great music. She should just stay away from acting. Far, far away from acting.
  19. seanotron

    Iron Sky (2012)

    Mars Attacks was both an homage and a parody of b-movies, so I enjoyed it for what it was.
  20. seanotron

    Superman Returns (2006)

    I know people complain about this scene, but honestly I don't see the issue. He was stabbed with the smaller piece of Kryptonite. He gets a supercharge from the sun and then immediately falls into a coma after lifting the island into space, so it's not as if there are no stakes or consequences to that scene. Plus the continent isn't entirely made of Kryptonite, that's why when he lifts it and the rock begins to fall away you can finally see the Kryptonite poking through. The movie is flawed and way too reverential to the Donner movies, but I really didn't find it to be a bad movie.
  21. seanotron

    Death Race (2008)

    Hutchence killed himself with his belt (hanging). Paula Yates claimed years later it was autoerotic asphyxiation, but she was mentally ill and there was never any evidence of it.
  22. seanotron

    Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)

    These movies are abominations. That said, I give an edge to the first one because they at least attempt to tell a story with a likable protagonist, whereas the second one just lines up a bunch of unremarkable CW rejects so that it can immediately kill them.
  23. seanotron

    Episode 32 — 88 Minutes

    I agree, Pete is infectiously positive even when he's being critical.
  24. seanotron

    Episode 213 — Star Graves

    Haven't listened yet but I'm so happy to see Jarrod back. He was really great on the episode with Rust & St Clair.