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Posts posted by grkpektis

  1. I haven't read the book but I fucking hate this POS train wreck I am suprised no one mentioned it on the forum (I searched if I missed it please tell me). The only redeeming quality it has are the Doctor Who references, everything else is awful, the story makes makes no sense and the shaky cam makes it hard to tell WTH is happening. It is honestly the worst zombie movie I have ever seen, the moron who thought making a PG-13 zombie movie was a good idea must have brain damage.

  2. This POS movie definetly deserves to be discussed on the show, theres a scene were zod and his men get transported to the phantom zone on didldo shaped rocket ships. I have two theories why either it was product placement for dildos or snyder thought 300 wasn't gay enough so he had to raise the bar for this movie. I hate almost every scene of this god damn movie even the writer of the story it's based on hates this movie.

  3. I was wondering if anyone wanted to play a game were we pick what movie we think should be reviewed next and which one shouldn't be reviewed at all. I start bby listing at least 2 movies with scores of 5 and I give one movie +1 point and one movie -1 points and the next person copies and pastes my results plus his points and he can add a movie to the list. You can only vote once a day


    Big Hit= 6(+1)

    Caligula= 5

    nukie= 5

    Star Wars Episode 1= 4(-1)


    note- I hate E1 but it's been discussed to death.


  4. When I was a kid I loved this movie I never understood why everyone I knew hated it so much, I thought it was just because it wasn't as good as the original but I watched it recently and it does not hold up at all. There are some good parts but they are few and far between.
