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Everything posted by Kodo

  1. Kodo

    Episode 6 — Swim Toward The Light

    So...any guesses as to what creature they're battling? The floating ship makes me think they are playing an Eberron campaign. Not too sure about other settings, don't know much about them other than Forgotten Realms.
  2. Hilarious bonus ep, love it. Does this mean episode 60 will include the same cast? btw concerning itunes, I guess the RSS feed takes a while to update so while the app and website are available, sometimes the feed doesn't. Sit back, have a drink, wait for an hour or two, and then the world will correct itself in ways it usually never does.
  3. Kodo


    Good ever loving christ this movie is spectacularly atrocious. Making Clue into a movie was already a stretch, but what the fuck do you do with battleship?! This movie is god awful. And holy shit is it hilarious. The CG is actually pretty good but everything else is terrible. The dialogue, the ridiculous premise, the characters, the WW2 veterans restarting their old warship...every time I think of one terrible scene several more just cascade into my mind. It's a jacob's ladder of insanity. First off, the board game/movie relationship. Anyone notice the mortars that the alien boats (?) fire are in the shape of the pegs from the board game? Not to mention the use of tsunami buoys (conveniently plentiful and setup in grids JUST LIKE THE GAME) to locate the alien ships?! I was absolutely stunned at this massive suspension of belief. Kudos to the writers for even bothering to try. There's so much wrong in this movie. It was a box office failure. Liam Neeson has no reason being in this movie. Would love to see this movie appear on a future episode.
  4. Kodo

    Episode 106 — Alpaca Dinghy

    Epic whooch this week, dare I say, UNPRECEDENTED
  5. Kodo

    Episode 1 — Let the Game Begin!

    And you can go to hell, heathen "Your roommate's shampoo - nothing cleans better than your roommate's shampoo. Brought to you by the makers of your roommate's cereal."
  6. Good christ this was a fantastic episode. I was losing it the entire time the people in the counselling session were on fire, but still trying to resolve their issues.
  7. Patently mad cap Enjoyed the ever living hell out of this episode.
  8. Kodo

    Episode 90 — Doom-Wop

    Not sure where all the hate's coming from. I thought he was a good guest and Howie and Ku Ku played off him really well. Besides he's got great music. The first 3 tracks on this album are keepers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy243wYSZ2o
  9. Great episode, but man, he's not kidding when he says he's super sensitive. It's incredibly tragic, though, that someone that has affected people the way he has lives such a solitary life. There's no argument that physically he's in great shape but mentally he seems to be battling a lot of demons and doesn't really have anyone to speak to. Power to Richard for being so open about his personal life and his stories.
  10. Episode proves to me that Sklarbro country isn't just a podcast, IT'S YOUR LIFE
  11. Kodo

    New Cyber Thug Radio Episode!

    Put my $8 in, love Cyber Thug. Bring 'em back!