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About DankestBiscuit

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  • Birthday 05/25/1988

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  1. DankestBiscuit

    Episode 3 - Matt Gourley

    This show is great. James Bonding but for Columbo. I really hope they do more episodes.
  2. DankestBiscuit

    Elmer Gantry vs A Face in the Crowd

    And they are doing 'A Face in the Crowd' next week, awesome.
  3. It may be a stretch to justify them facing off against each other but both are really interesting and well made films I wish more people knew of. They could be paired together because both are concerned with a con-man using populism to their own ends. The lead preformances by Burt Lancaster and Andy Griffith are also pretty great.
  4. You guys were thinking of the Woody Allen movie Scoop. I saw it in theaters and yeah.
  5. DankestBiscuit

    Submit clips here!

    Seeing Dan Aykroyd do a cameo on the most recent episode of SNL reminded me of this gem of a video. I only could ever get somewhere like five minutes in to the video but it is Dan Aykroyd in a hotel giving an interview on aliens. Smoking cigarettes ever so seriously.
  6. DankestBiscuit

    Submit clips here!

    One day me and my friends where just searching random words into youtube looking to find something odd to watch. We happened to search Mr Dog and my god did we find a gem. It appears that in brazil there is a small time production company with a green screen that we guess makes music videos. They are amazing and utterly confusing. the background is sometimes a windows media player visualization from a decade ago. Then i think a llama race. Oh and the guy is dancing in place holding a kitchen knife in each hand.