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Everything posted by JulyDiaz

  1. America is great at gentrification. Liberal oases like Portland and Austin are quickly being renovated to cover up their quirky charms, we knock down and rebuild stadiums to revitalize urban areas like it's our job and the city of San Francisco is basically one giant wifi-enabled Starbucks. But to think the organized displacement of low-income and minority communities is a 21st century invention is foolish. America has been the Lebron James of that game since the Mayflower! This week on the podcast Jack O'Brien is joined by Cracked editors Adam Tod Brown and Alex Schmidt to talk about America's history of forced gentrification, assimilation and deportation. The guys look at some of of the unique cultural communities completely wiped off the map by the course of history and examine the mechanism by which some populations are remembered and others are forgotten.
  2. Kevin sits down with actor-director Richard Benjamin (Westworld, My Favorite Year). Richard shares old school Hollywood stories (like working with a young Mel Brooks), and an inspired tip for keeping your eyes open while shooting a gun in a western.
  3. Last year we covered in a podcast how truth is stranger and often scarier than fiction, especially when it comes to the history genre. Case in point: the story of Henry Rathbone. You're probably thinking, who's Henry Rathbone? That's kind of the point. Henry Rathbone and his wife Clara were sitting next to Abraham Lincoln the night of the assassination, and despite the decades of conspiracy theories and ghost stories surrounding the Lincoln family, the craziest and bloodiest story of the night belongs to Mr. Rathbone. See, in the years following Lincoln's assassination, Rathbone's mental state declined as he blamed himself for not being able to prevent the president's death. Soon after that, he started to believe his walls were talking to him. Then he went full Shining and murdered his wife, tried to murder his children and stabbed himself 5 times in the chest. He spent the rest of his life in an insane asylum. This is an absolutely bonkers story edited from the margins of history, yet we choose not remember it because it doesn't read like a textbook. This sort of historical amnesia also applies to how we look at the horror genre. There are countless unsolved murders, disappearances and mass hysterias that we don't know how to classify just because their details are too strange to swallow, the leads go nowhere and eventually we give up. So in honor of Halloween, Jack O'Brien and Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) share 12 creepy and macabre unsolved mysteries that are just too weird to fit into our cookie-cutter version of the horror genres.
  4. In the last few years 'Edge of Tomorrow' and 'Elysium' showed near-futures where soldiers weren't limited by their physical capabilities, but instead were enhanced by mech-suits. It's a concept that provides for very entertaining movies, but considering we have no plans to fight hordes of aliens or wage a class war on the Lamborghini of space stations, can mech-suits have any real-life applications to us in the coming years? Or are they strictly limited to warfare? Let's say mech-suits do become a routine part of daily life. Will they help us for the better or just turn us into the soft and doughy humans like those aboard the starship Axiom in 'Wall-E'? Jack O'Brien ask all of these questions and more of Oliver Mayer, Principal Engineer at GE Global Research and an expert in robotics, who believes we're all a little bit cyborg already. Jack is then joined by Scott Novich, the co-founder and CTO of NeoSensory, Inc., a company helping the deaf hear by harnessing an underused sense: touch. From there, they talk about how this technology could potentially lead to humans gaining new senses.
  5. Jason Heynong-Mantzoukas and Comedy’s own Nick Kroll arrive in studio to help Scott get to the bottom of the origin of the Mailer-Daemon on this week’s Comedy Bing Bing! However, through their online research they have summoned the Mailer Daemon himself, a demon who has possessed the Ask Jeeves butler. Now the demon is here to serve but also change the CBB universe forever! Can anything be done to stop him? Tune in to find out!
  6. Caroline Anderson & Andrew talk about a caller's question about a possibly racist Math teacher. Make sure to leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
  7. Actions speak louder than words, but what specific actions or situations tell the most about a person? In a world of hypothetical possibilities, what would be the single most revealing thing about a person?
  8. Randy, Jason, and Daniel Van Kirk talk about the many things that Donald Trump can do with his money including host Saturday Night Live. Then, the gang welcomes Matt Braunger who discusses the rockstar status of certain comedians, as well as why comedy can be the best medicine. Also, Daniel covers headlines that include a woman who's arrest was inspired by an 80's rock song, a fellow comedian that calls out the wrong audience member, and a man who's escape from police requires eating toilet paper. Lastly, Dr. Phil leaves a voicemail explaining a proper punishment for Greg Hardy.
  9. This week Randy and Jason discuss a costume fueled boxing dispute and hookers that wrestle. Then, Kyle Bornheimer joins the show to talk about the art of making independent films in the 90's, as well as why post game press conferences would be alien even to aliens. Later, the gang discusses why Terrell Owens had good reason to throw coffee at a man, why mascots have poor judgement, and why Curt Schilling was reading into the blood moon too much. Lastly, Jesse Ventura calls in to reveal how he's been making money on the side.
  10. Randy and Jason discuss why Johnny Manziel is officially all grown up and why you know you're flopping in soccer when you help yourself into the stretcher. Then, the Sklars welcome Andrew Santino who talks about his new show I'm Dying Up Here, why comedy is one of the key ways to deal with tragedy, and America's greatest ball parks. Later, in Quick Hits, the gang discusses why Jay Glazier probably won't get drafted, newlywed diehard football fans, and why the life of Bully Beatdown star Jason Miller has taken an ironic turn. Lastly, Nic Cage calls in to discuss the potential of hockey in Las Vegas.
  11. Randy and Jason discuss why fans with court side seats should never look away from the game and a baseball player who admits to breaking the rules in hopes of getting a walk. Then, the Sklars welcome Derek Waters of Comedy Central’s Drunk History who speaks about the art of directing the intoxicated, as well as the dark underbelly of backup vocals in the 90’s. Additionally, the gang talks about Dez Bryant’s monkey, a man that’s cool with the gays so long as they’re never around, and the new sport of “joggling.” Lastly, Michael Kotz leaves a voicemail to shed light on growing up with legs in a legless family.
  12. QOD asked and YOU responded! Today, Stephen and James go over QOD listeners’ tweets in response to the question, "What is the best possible future discovery or invention?"
  13. Writer/comedian Caroline Anderson joins Andrew all this week to answer some racism questions. Today they discuss the "W" word. Be sure to call us at (323) 389-RACE to ask if anything is racist.
  14. Andrew Bird is a wonderful musician and a phenomenal human being. Andrew & Jeff chat about the early days of touring in a van, the extensive Andrew Bird Street Team, the times where Andrew was isolated from the public on his farm, his love of comedians, what he would get out of a trip to a lotion shop, and the process of writing of a song.
  15. Laimewads, we love you. Doing this podcast for the last five years has been incredible. With want to thank you from the bottom of our very full hearts for coming on this journey and keeping us going. Doing Totally Laime has been beautiful and fun, and touching and fulfilling in ways we never could have imagined. We hope you'll join us over at Totally Married, Totally Mommy, and Totally Beverages and Sometimes Hot Sauce - The fun will continue but we'll always hold a special place in our hearts for the original - always and forever, Totally Laime. xo Elizabeth, Psychic Andy, Mascot Ruby, and Baby Oprah.
  16. This week Randy and Jason discuss nazi soccer dolls and why Adrian Peterson continues to disappoint children everywhere. Then, the Sklars welcome to the show Nikki Glaser who discusses life on the road as a female comedian, her new Comedy Central show "Not Safe with Nikki Glaser," and why the first thought we have upon meeting someone is whether or not we'd sleep with them. Additionally, the gang discusses overprotective wives, assault with a cheesesteak, and a marathon runner who neglects to run. Lastly, Jerry Jones calls in to further defend Greg Hardy.
  17. Ronna and Beverly come to you live from the UCB theatre in Los Angeles with their guests Jack McGee and Ravi Patel, both of FOX’s Grandfathered. Together they’ll discuss Jack’s career as a fireman turned character actor, how Ravi’s personal life has influenced his film making, and all things pertaining to the pope.
  18. Andrew Ti and special guest Jesse Esparza finish the week off by discussing a onesie that reads "I like doing hoodrat stuff with my friends." As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
  19. Jesse Esparza and Andrew talk about a caller's question about whether she's racist or her friends are racist. Don't forget to keep leaving us messages by calling (323) 389-RACE.
  20. Is New England slowly becoming one big graveyard? Today we examine where America's prior inhabitants are ending up.
  21. Welcome back to Picking and Tricking with your host Manny Faldune (Matt Cook)! Learn to make the most of your yard sale shopping sprees every weekend with Manny's helpful tricks. This week Manny is joined by Nancy Geefs, a fellow yard sale shopper extraordinaire and partner in crime. They talk about how Nancy's very first yard sale has a strong connection with the way she was raised as a child, a historic handmade quilt that is her latest big score, and they take some callers to find out what they want to sell as they "Yard Sale It!". Plus, Traci Reardon stops by to offer her Twitter followers advice on tracking your money, becoming more patient, and more in another edition of “Help Me, Rhonda.”
  22. In this all new format of Who Charted Howard and Stard release some all new chart theme songs. Additionally, Howard discusses the secret tactics he uses to dominate his fantasy league and to be the most productive TV writer possible. Then, Kulap talks about her most recent star studded wedding. Lastly, Wayne Federman joins the show to discuss why he formatted his album to consist of 30 years worth of material, as well as how music influenced his comedy.
  23. About to make a pitch to potential investors for the first time? Today, James reveals some typical rookie moves, and why veteran entrepreneurs don't make those same mistakes.
  24. Wayne Federman, Betsy Sodaro, Brian Huskey, and Ben Siemon join Matt Besser for a sobering moment in sports science wherein they teach adults how to play professional football, in an attempt to avoid childhood death. Then, the gang explores the risks that our kids are exposed to each time they visit Google, an amusement park ride that's made entirely of our phone's apps, and the hardship of doing an opening act for a comedian that won't let you use any jokes. Make sure to get the Upright Citizens Brigade television show season 3 now available on DVD, the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, and Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com!