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Everything posted by JulyDiaz

  1. Paul Rust, Neil Campbell, Mookie Blaiklock, and Dan Klein join Matt Besser for an improv5humans that will make you think twice about where your sushi comes from. They’ll explore the lives of different people trapped inside a basement, why you shouldn’t pet other people’s dogs, and what it’s like to deal with snobby ArcLight members. Plus, an i4h listener defends drug store sushi in another edition of Case Closed. Make sure to get the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, Matt Besser’s new comedy album at mattbesser.com, and Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com! Check out improv4humans with Matt Besser LIVE at the Blue Whale Comedy Festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, June 14th!
  2. Kyle opens up about his most recent Night Guy outing and gets Mother involved with a new segment, Mother’s Movie Minute! Then the gang asks Sarah Kleinman, Registered Nurse and Certified Nurse Midwife, to clear up the Blastoff midwifery mystery. She takes us through the various roles of a midwife, shares her thoughts on epidurals, and sets us straight on the idea of “birthing hips.” Oh, and Tig’s still got it.
  3. Attention to all of our listeners who keep getting injured, we are positive that your luck is about to change for the better! Today we’re joined by writer/author Lara Schoenhals to share her journey on how she became the author of “White Girl Problems” with a stroke of luck. Avoid getting redneck crazy and instead listen to this episode!
  4. Dag, Houg, Lyra, and Winter had a run in with some cops on horseback so they decide to continue to travel deeper into the woods. Suddenly, the bushes rustle and darts fly by in their direction. Have they stumbled upon someone’s home? Tune in to find out!
  5. Turning back time with Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parham.
  6. Do you never look in a mirror? Well join the club because neither does the Blastoff crew! Tig, Kyle, David, and Aaron welcome expert physicist and author (The Universe in the Rearview Mirror) Dave Goldberg to discuss the universe. There will be talk of anti-matter, uncley-matter, the expanding universe, the arrow of time, and time travel.
  7. After a flurry of solo episodes, everyone is back in the hatch to catch up! Tig, Kyle, and a shirtless David give us an update on upcoming projects, “reoccurring” nightmares, and their dating life. There’s also a nice chat about poop pills!
  8. Music connoisseur and friend of the show, John Roy, makes his first chart appearance on this week's Who Charted! Tune in to hear KuKu, WieWie and Roy Boy (who doesn't wear corduroy) break out some summercappella, play 'Name That Drum!' and get into a heated argument while trying to figure out who the best bass player of all time is. Plus, a lot of 'i' words are thrown around, and we find out what Roy Boy's favorite things were when he was 14. The Charts are back in full swing in this hilarious and feel good episode.
  9. It’s time for Dag, Houg, Lyra, and Winter to lay low for a while since they are being hunted for murder. The gang escape from the city and find their way into some woods. Listen in to find out what mysteries lie as they travel deeper into the woods.
  10. Join humans Billy Merritt, Joe Hartzler, Brian Huskey, and Sean Conroy as they search for an after hours club called Blowjobers, participate in a deadly game of chess with a short tempered player, and follow a student who is accused of being a vampire based on who he hangs out with on today’s improv4humans with Matt Besser! Plus, an i4h listener steps up to defend Mississippi in another edition of Case Closed. Make sure to get the UCB Comedy Improv Manual, Matt Besser’s new comedy album at mattbesser.com, and Dragoon’s new album at dragoongalaxy.bandcamp.com! Check out improv4humans with Matt Besser LIVE at the Blue Whale Comedy Festival in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Saturday, June 14th!
  11. Why is Hollywood allergic to female protagonists? It's not a conspiracy -- men and women alike tend to prefer films with male heroes getting the girl. Even Disney's most progressive princesses still wind up with huge eyes, tiny hands and every other indicator they can dream up to make the girl look vulnerable. Cracked editors Jack O'Brien, Jason Pargin and Kristi Harrison look into how pop culture's subtle sexism leads to people calling Sandra Fluke a whore for testifying to congress.
  12. He's a talented actor and all around gent, the wonderful CORT HIGHTOWER came on and discussed his dad's adoption saga, why Tindr isn't cutting it any more, and how a day job can be a slippery slope into career-ville. Plus some really great insight into the top/bottom conundrum. Enjoy!
  13. In Episode 18 of Season 3, Michael and Michael get into a very important topic that we deal with every day of our life, the Money Question. From Smith to Piketty to back again. How do we survive in the 21st century? How are Cabbage Patch Kids related to the law of supply and demand? Why does Leno need all those cars? Tune in as Michael and Michael discuss Adam Smith aka father of modern economics, the French economist Thomas Piketty, and everything in between. “Topics” features original music by Dan Deacon.
  14. Andrew Ti and special guest Max Silvestri finish the week off by discussing America’s Got Talent’s background music selection for participants. As always, leave us a message about anything you think is racist at (323) 389-RACE.
  15. Hop onboard a LIVE Swamp Rocktacular episode of Professor Blastoff straight from Portland! We go down memory lane as Tig, Kyle, and David recall the origin of Swamp Rock before introducing special guest Aaron Reichenberger, law student & Editor-in-Chief of the Willamette Law Review, to discuss law. We’ll learn how certain dilemmas can drastically effect the outcome of a court case, if you can indeed sue yourself, a surprising fact in another edition of “What’s Nuts?”, and the connection between air quotes & bunnies!
  16. Join the Nerd Poker gang as they bid Sark farewell as their DM, welcome Blaine “Blackie Green” Capatch as their new DM, and roll new characters for their new D&D adventure!
  17. Max Silvestri & Andrew discuss the last World Cup and the hate on the vuvuzelas. Be sure to keep leaving us messages at (323) 389-RACE.
  18. The gang has made their way to the center of the town of Glinishmore but something isn’t right. A space ship has landed in the middle of town and a crystal attached to it is taking the souls of the town folk. Could this be the final battle against the Old Man? Tune in to find out!
  19. On today's episode, Andrew and Max Silvestri talk about whether the phrase "New Civil Rights Movement" is racist or not. Don’t forget to keep leaving us messages by calling (323) 389-RACE.
  20. Once again the Blastronaut crew comes to you from the road on today’s LIVE episode from Seattle! After a story about the origin of Kyle’s stomach picture, the gang is joined by chemical engineer and fellow Blastronaut Kathryn Cogert to discuss Bioenergy. They’ll get into the food to fuel dispute, dispel common myths about bio fuels and bioenergy, and talk about the future of energy usage. Plus, they all play a remarkable game of Name That Punky!
  21. Welcome to the year end episode of By the Way in Conversation with Jeff Garlin and the last one for a while. Jeff is joined by his great friends Heather Marion and Mark Flanagan who help him interview himself. We’ll learn when Jeff realized he became a “legit” comedian, who was his favorite/most surprising guest he’s had on the show, if there will be any new episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and much more.
  22. With the curse lifted, the gang help the dwarves in a battle against the Man Rats that kept them captive. Spoiler alert: These Man Rats are going to get the shit kicked out of them.
  23. You're being mind-controlled right now. The CIA and the NSA aren't to blame -- just holding a cool drink can make you decide someone has a "cold" personality. Just hearing words associated with "old people" is enough to make you walk at a slower pace, and even blind people feel more awake when you shine blue light at their face. On today's podcast, Cracked editors Jack O'Brien, Dan O'Brien (no relation) and Robert Brockway discuss all the tiny things that hack our brain every minute of every day. You'll learn which shade of pink stops violent psychopaths in their tracks and how the color blue can prevent suicide. Throw on your headphones and click play above.
  24. The rat pack has found themselves in the kitchen as they are onto their next mission to poison the Shaman of the Man Rats. Will they able to finally break the curse? Tune in to find out!