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Everything posted by ThreeTwoNoseOne

  1. ThreeTwoNoseOne


    I was watching this amazing piece of cinema last night, and less than 10 minutes in I found myself asking, "what the fuck am I watching?" Been listening to a lot of your show recently, and so I checked online to see if you guys had done this movie yet and sure enough you have not. Well let me tell you, you could dedicate upwards of 2, to 2 and a half episodes to this movie. I'll be honest I only saw maybe the first half before I fell asleep, but let me describe for you one of the first scenes in the movie: Twelve year old girl on the run from a bunch of baddies in a Colombian favela. How does she escape? Parkour. Parkours right out a window and drops down like 20 feet onto a car. But don't fret these Colombians also have about 3 guys on their team that know Parkour (in 1991 or whenever). Guy on a dirtbike chasing her eventually instead of running into a fruit stand which would make sense, runs into a stand full of massive bowls of cheetos... I shit you not. She's been running for about 2 miles at this point and still trucking it through people's houses. The whole time the main baddy is telling everyone that she needs to be captured alive. Finally they kinda corner her, but she does a sweet slide into a sewage drain the ground and escapes. So what does the main bad guy do? Unload about 8 shots into the sewer pipe after telling everyone that she needs to be alive. Next shot is her easily opening the thickest manhole cover I've ever seen in my life. It's like 2 times as thick as the American ones that weigh 50 lbs. Goes to the cops place, and throws up this tiny little SD memory card from 2007 that got time blasted back to 1992 that she swallowed earlier. Copper sticks it in a floppy disk, and you see those green words on the black screen almost going in a Matrix type falling fashion. He looks at it for all of 2 seconds and realizes it's massive importance. Consider it guys. It's on a rare level of WTF, and stars Zoe Saldana so at least your eyes won't be angry at you for watching it.