I'm going to plug some of my insanely talented friends:
http://timbre.bandcamp.com/ - harpist out of Nashville, TN that sings like an angel. Her originals are great; she also has an amazing cover of Radiohead's "Like Spinning Plates."
http://thenobility.bandcamp.com/ - another Nashville treasure. The Nobility play Beatles-inspired rock with lots of tasty synths.
http://www.myspace.com/foxhole - Foxhole, an instrumental band in the vein of Explosions in the Sky, are currently on extended hiatus, thus the Myspace profile. It's worth visiting that place of woe to experience their tunes, I promise.
http://themedders.bandcamp.com/ - really good, southern-friend rock featuring the bassist of The Nobility.
A Plea for Purging - Great metal, but they have no Bandcamp page. In lieu of that, here is the best video ever: