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Everything posted by JacobCrites

  1. Oh how I've missed Rafflecast. The reveal that everyone is homeless except for Gil's character was amazing. And of course, Banana Ball.
  2. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 354 — Solo Bolo: Dos Lo

    The headline game may be the hardest I've ever laughed at anything in my life. "Bananas no longer! Slippery pedestrians slip on out of zoo!" "At the airport, plane takes off and crashes into the pentagon."
  3. Matt I know you're a busy guy, but if for some reason you're restraining yourself from releasing more of these, please don't. I love these things; I always feel like they give essential insight into the show.
  4. any you mofos playing Splatoon?
  5. This may be the first masterpiece of Spontaneanation. Everyone was a delight, but Gourley in particular just brought some next level stuff. Matt and Paul's Shakespearean slam-sesh that devolved into quoting Dr. Seuss ("That I may hop on such a pop!" is where I lost it) is probably my favorite moment in the show thus far.
  6. LOL joke's on you I'm not married! In fact I'm all alone in this world!
  7. Welcome Witty Llama. And thank you for showing restraint and not just doing another celebrity smash-up name (i.e. Emma Stone Cold Steve Austin) although if you wanted to do a smash-up of YOUR user name may I suggest Kendrick Llamar or Secret Life of Walter Witty?
  8. Ross was super delightful, but Andy got the biggest laugh of the episode when he described Ross' podcast as being "Like Dr. Laura but...gay?"
  9. Sorry to be disrespectful of Ross. I genuinely wanted to know how Jay Lego's butt got so shiny.
  10. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 353 — Goodbye Reggie!

    I had just listened to the episode they did for the premiere of CBB TV (with Tim Heidecker, Andy Daly and Reggie Watts) and the Scott-Reggie dynamic was pretty much the exact same as it was here. Reggie is always emotionally detached and unprepared, and Scott's always jabbing him about it.
  11. What kind of lacquer did you use to get that sheen on Jay Leno's chin? Was it the same kind of lacquer you used on his cars and butt?
  12. Dave Matthews: 1. Who's your favorite girlfriend you've ever had? 2. You once described your "screen presence" as "Off-the-cuff, lookin' buff." Can you please speak on that? 3. Doesn't the franchise "bruegger's bagels" sound a little too much like Boogers bagels? Don't you think we shouldn't think of boogers when we eat bread?
  13. I don't know a lot about improv outside the UCB, because if I'm being perfectly honest I4H was my first exposure to the long-form improv world. It's literally changed my life; my whole perspective on comedy and what I want to do has been changed because of this show. So, obviously I'm going to get defensive about anyone slamming UCB. First off, like Matt said, even just within Improv4Humans there's so much variety and variation. Adam McKay, for example, brings a completely different dynamic to the show when he's on (he's Second City, right?). In fact his hilariously-descriptive scene transitions had an obvious impact on the way Matt transitions scenes thereafter. The Canadian improv group Matt had on the show had a really different sensibility than the LA comedians he typically has on, but it was still improv. Any episode with Neil Campbell or Paul Rust has a different vibe...saying it's all the same is ignorant. I guess to me, even with my very limited knowledge of the form, coming out and bashing another school--especially another highly influential, respected school--seems antithetical to the very idea of improv. Improv is all about playing together. I'm sure different schools have different approaches and techniques, but at the end of the day you're still playing the same game. The fact that he said "I don't get it"...that's so old-fogey. You're honestly trying to attract new students to your school by acting like an old dude who "doesn't get" the hippest comedy scene in town? Boo.
  14. JacobCrites

    Some of the best boyz in town...

    Agreed. I just relistened to both of their episodes and they're really great. The parent-teacher conference scene (where Dom is a kid that yells "niggardly" constantly in class) is one of the all-time greats.
  15. All time great episode right here. Will Hines is a treasure.
  16. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    I've listened to the script part like 8 times I think I have a problem. The problem being that I haven't listened to it 9 times yet! Up top! *waits for high five*
  17. ey n-words y'all can hit me up on the insta-insta @jacobcrites
  18. this day is butts. anybody got any good jokes?
  19. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 188 — Moon Madness

    It was hard to enjoy this episode because of my glasses and lack of education.
  20. He'll memorize the F out of those vows.
  21. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    "Call me dad." "I can't call you that..." "SHE DOES IT." "...dad."
  22. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Yeah actually everyone does have to like HH
  23. JacobCrites

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    There's a point in the show where they're clearly sick of the premise and it basically just becomes hollywood handbook. Check out episode 6 to start with. Lotta good talk about baked poh-tay-duhs