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Everything posted by JacobCrites

  1. JacobCrites

    Episode 204 — The Pepper Men

    This is the greatest thing that ever happened
  2. Silence is the foundation that serves as the basis for all creativity.
  3. Mookie's Jackson absolutely kills me. Literally everything he says makes me laugh. Combine that with Carmichael and GOAT Campbell, and this , to quite Sir Lord ALW , went down a treat!
  4. I've listened to the bit where they open the restaurant like 5 times now. This episode is ridiculous.
  5. Another GOAT contender. improv4humans is the greast comedy out there right now, in any medium.
  6. JacobCrites

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    I lost it just reading that. One of the funniest eps of all time.
  7. JacobCrites

    Episode 266 — The Calvins Twins

    Incredible episode. If I had to pick the best episode for fans of the TV show to transition into the podcast, I'd pick this one. Words cannot even express how hard I laughed at this insanity.
  8. I could not even handle this episode. I was crying with laughter. When Morris said "Can I get a prescription for a montage?" I literally applauded and almost got in a car accident. EDIT: Also! The return of Glorm!!
  9. JacobCrites

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    So the takeaway from this thread is that we should all take huge dumps on Jim Henson's grave, right?
  10. JacobCrites

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I thought the same thing, but Paul usually does a good job of weeding out the trolls.
  11. JacobCrites

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    His Jim Henson bashing was clearly a joke. Are you for real?
  12. JacobCrites

    Episode 80 — Jack Frost: LIVE!

    I'm going to call it: best episode ever. It also warmed my heart that someone read some exerpts from Ebert's review of the film, which is one of the best bad movies reviews ever.
  13. Yessssssss! Huge fan of Pardo's stand up, but I've never had the spare cash to buy the primo accounts for NNF. Now I can experience the magic!
  14. Does this mean NNF is now an Earwolf show?
  15. JacobCrites

    Episode 79 — Deck the Halls: LIVE!

    Very nice! DVD commentary tracks to bad movie are amazing. AV Club used to do a feature on them.
  16. Another classic. Sanz' Paul McCartney was out of control, but it was the raccoon gags that killed me.
  17. JacobCrites

    Episode BO2013.4 — Best of 2013 Pt 4

    That line gave me the hardest laugh I had all year! Can't believe it wasn't included in the clip.
  18. JacobCrites

    Episode BO2013.4 — Best of 2013 Pt 4

    Hard to complain about this list. I had a hard time making a top 20 list, let alone a top 10. Fiere Fight was in my top 5, but it's such a specific and weird episode that I can't imagine it struck a chord with general audiences. The Pool Party episode didn't strike me as a particularly hilarious episode upon first listen, but it gets better the more you get sucked into the weirdly compelling high school drama. I don't know what I'm trying to say, other than: thanks for a great year, Scott.
  19. JacobCrites

    Episode 79 — Deck the Halls: LIVE!

    Pretty awesome episode. The only thing is it felt like they steamrolled Andrea's behind the scenes stuff. It sounded like she had more tales of misery to relay.
  20. JacobCrites

    Episode BO2013.3 — Best of 2013 Pt 3

    Sanz was probably my favorite comedian of the year in 2013--his work on CBB and i4h blew my mind. Huge shame that none of his eps made the top 10. Good Felines was a top 5 ep of the year.
  21. JacobCrites

    List of Scott's Frequently Repeated Phrases

    It's actually "but watch yourself councillor!" I know this because I've been listening to nothing but these tour episodes for three days like an insane person
  22. Yeah that's pretty much the perfect capper for 2013. Absolutely brilliant. And we got a Bloody Mary callback!
  23. JacobCrites

    Guest suggestions

    I'd like to see any of the current SNL cast members on there. They all have an improv background, to my knowledge.
  24. JacobCrites


    What was better? Good kid MAAD city, maybe but that's about it.