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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. I think Besser was making fun of himself for going on a rant about Hillary Clinton with no provocation. The idea that the words white water would set him off when there is no connection was part of the joke. The sketch was meant to be about a guy who brings up politics in situations that have nothing to do with it and makes an ass out of himself.

    Yeah I definitely got the game of the sketch, but I didn't get him over-reacting to whitewater was a joke. Now I feel like a real dum dum.

  2. To: Everyone; My friends


    I've been working on this all week. I hope you like it! It's a look inside the Popcorn Gallery Bag.


    P.S. This ep was wonderful and everyone's posts so far have been wonderful too!

    P.S.S. I need something else to draw now, please gimme some suggestions.



    :lol::D :D :lol: :lol: :lol::o :o :o:wub: :wub: :wub:

    My work compy can't view images (they think we be lookin at that 'nography) so I just saw this. Great work! My favorite part is me!

    • Like 3

  3. Fuck fuck fuck Wild Horses is doing a show in Chicago (where I live) on the same night I have tickets to see the Sufjan Stevens show. How am I supposed to show my support for women are funny now? Do you think there will be funny women at the Sufjan Stevens show?

    That's so weird, I also have conflicting interests on the night I'm seeing Sufjan Stevens! WHAT'S THIS GUY TRYING TO DO TO OUR LIVES, AND DOESN'T HE KNOW THAT'S NOT EVEN HOW THE LETTER 'J' WORKS?

    • Like 1


    Jacob, you gotta be more on top of the forums.

    Yeah my forum game has been weak. I have nobody to blame but myself and Nintendo for releasing Super Smash Bros. 4

    The good news is my Falco game is on point. If Falco has a call-in episode I'll be all over it, and I'll be able to say smart funny stuff like "Pretty smooth flying, Fox!" or "Piece of cake!"

    • Like 11

  5. Hey people in the I4H messages boards are arguing about race, should we do that? Spice things up?

    I'll start: the only race I like is Mario Kart!









































    Cuz if ya ask me the only three races are italians, mushroom people and dinosaurs, amiright?

    • Like 13