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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. That part about 28 minutes in where Harris can't hold back laughter while explaining that their other lumber store is called "Carl's Junior Hamburgers" is probably the moment I've rewound & replayed more than any other moment in CBB/CDR history

    Samsies. I was listening to this episode before I went to bed last night, doubled over laughing so hard. The moment you describe has brought me so much joy in my life; I had to rewind it so many times.

    • Like 4

  2. Listening to the Farts and Pro episodes, his Foam Corner playlist and some other Harris stuff. It's still not really sinking in that he's actually gone. He really did leave behind an amazing body of work, and was able to hone in on such a prolific and endearing comedic voice in such a short amount of time. I've heard a lot of people say this, but Harris is the reason I started paying attention to writing credits on comedy shows.

    • Like 7

  3. This has really messed me up. You feel like you know these people. Podcasts are so personal. People are so vulnerable and human; even if they're doing a persona, it feels more intimate than a show or movie. I've been genuinely upset about this; that interview on You Made it Weird helped me through my own breakup and struggles with spiraling out of control. Idk what to say. Addiction is a scary thing.

    • Like 17

  4. Old guy here, so I think I can kind-of talk to Letterman's out-of-touch. I've heard Hardwick talk about how there is such a gap in people that listen to podcasts and those that don't, but Hardwick doesn't understand what the barrier is. Main point, it's device driven.


    The entry point for me and podcasts started AFTER I purchased an iPod. There was a lengthy period after I purchased the iPod before I ever downloaded a podcast. I was aware of the word podcast, I thought they were like songs and you had to purchase them. Which was a huge no bueno for me.

    One day though, I thought I would at least look at the comedy offerings in the iTunes store (again, this is all Apple driven), the only name I immediately recognized was Doug Benson's, and that was because I remember he had a movie review page on bobanddavid.com (an old Mr Show website).


    Sure you can get this stuff onto your pc, you can get apps that let you stream to your android, but the first step into podcasts is almost always via an Apple device. It wasn't by word-of-mouth that I found earwolf. I work in a company of 3,000+ people, in 17 years I have never heard any other human talk about podcasts. Period.


    Other obstacles? I talk to my wife about funny moments that I hear on podcasts, and she makes fun of me. "oh did you hear that on a podcast?" "is it a fun podcast?"


    There is a huge swath of people that have never heard of a podcast, and content creators would do themselves a favor (and the industry) to find a way to kick in the door to expose people that aren't part of the Apple universe. Podcasting is big and growing, but it needs to find a way to get out from behind the Great Wall of Apple.

    Sheesh, get a room already. Where you can store all your words

    • Like 2

  5. I just finished this weeks episode, and frankly, it was really good! I'm not sure why nobody is talking about it. This is quite possibly the first episode* I've really liked. Engineer Uncle Cody Boy was so charismatic! I can almost feel the texture of his freshly mined water through the radio.


    *Of this show. I've liked episodes of other things before. There was that one Car Talk, and also the episode of the Newlywed Game where the lady said "In the butt."

    Nobody's talking about this post? Pretty good stuff here.

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    Chris Hardwick is so funny. I just love how he's so nerdy, which I personally find relatable. In fact, if I had to describe his personality in one word, it would be "Points!". I also love how he just nerds out on these really nerdy shows like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. Hey, no jocks or bullies allowed here!

    I wonder how Anastasia feels about Chris Hardwick. She should tell us sometime.

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  7. Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody. We had a lot of fun doing it. Might even have a little video soon. Something the Milkman is putting together.

    It's funny to me how many people even after listening to the whole thing still thought it was real. And everyone that commented on our soundcloud pretty much hated it.

    The Slap parody coming soon.

    I remember when Burning Love came out, half the people in the comments on Yahoo thought it was real, and Ben Stiller was in it. So you can't win. Even so, you totally broke character when you called Armen out on his 'pedophile' character. How did they not catch on? And Neil saying "Pfft. Armen doing a Lakers scene? That's the hardest scene there is!"

    • Like 9

  8. I have no idea what Whiplash is, but the "game" of the episode is pretty obvious from the first 5 minutes of the show: Besser is playing a huge jerky dictator of an improv coach, who keeps complaining about other people destroying scenes when it's really his attitude that's ruining it. I don't understand how someone wouldn't 'get' that this episode is one long sketch where everyone is in character the whole episode. They could barely contain their laughter.

    The 13 Year-Old sketch was pretty amazing even without the context of the episode though.

    This is one of the coolest things i4h has done. Between this and the same-character trilogy thing, i4h is at the top of the podcast universe again.

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