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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. This was a really, really cool episode. I discovered longform improv through this podcast, and since we don't really have that here in ol' c-bus ohio I've really only heard the LA improvisers featured on this show. It was neat to hear this team from another country, who had a totally different sensibility (they actually reminded me of Superego a little).

    I was also amused at how the token canadian politeness even made its way into the scenework (Instead of just saying "We cut to..." they would say "Can we cut to?"

    • Like 3

  2. I'll start off by saying I love the show no matter what. I'm down with all regular (and irregular) features - I don't mind the variety because it always leads to funny stuff!


    I'm assuming Besser has been skipping the introductions / individual questions to save some time and jump right into improv, but I liked having that feature up top. Even though it did take slightly longer to get into the meat of the show, I liked how it allowed me to get to know each guest a little more. If it's a performer I already know, then I get to hear something new and fascinating about them, and if it's a person I've never heard of, I like to get a sense of their personality and how they all interact.


    All this being said, I still love the show how it is. I'll listen til I'm good n dead.

    I like the intro questions, but I think it's good that he jumps right into the improv-- if you think about new listeners, most people are going to give a new podcast like 5 minutes tops to figure out if they're going to stick around or not. If it starts out with ten minuets of intro questions people are going to think it's just another podcast where comedians shoot the shizz with each other. Jumping right in gives new listeners a better idea of what the show is.

  3. I would just like to say that everybody did a real good job and was very nice and also very funny.

    A lot of times we have some of that "mean jokes" Sean and Hayes were talking about, and sometimes even anti-humor. But let me just strip all artifice away and say that this group is seriously the coolest, and this show is, no joke, one of my favorite things in the world. Your posts always brighten my day and you sound like cool people with nice voices judging by the show.


    EDIT: I also agree with Mrs. Mortensen that I'm a believer in call-in shows now. I was never a big fan of them on RSS, but they work better here because being mean to people is funny.

    • Like 8

  4. I would recommend Coldplay's most recent album to anybody. They're hit and miss (though I enjoy pretty much all their stuff) but this newest record is a pretty perfect mix of pop and experimentation.


    I always like hearing Scott's music recommendations; we seem to like all the same bands/artists for the most part. I'm still heartbroken that he said that one part of that one song on Fleet Foxes' Helplessness Blues ruined the whole album for him. That's one of my favorite albums evarrr

  5. I'd just like to echo (echo..co..co...) the sentiments of everybody here--it was really great hearing them talk frankly about these episodes, to the point where I wondered if this was an episode of Let's Be Frank!

    I was especially interested in the Calvins Twins episode, which was probably my #1 this year. Scott's breakdown of the amount of horse funerals they've been to made me laugh harder than just about anything this year. I could tell on Britain/Killem's last appearance that they planned absolutely nothing (based on the way the name Lon Smudge seemed to surprise everybody) but the fact that they didn't even have the idea for horse fighting going into it was pretty insane to hear.

    My dream is for Scott and some of the guests to do commentary for some of the major episodes.

    • Like 5

  6. it depends on what you already have and how high of quality you want to make your show. real sound setups can be fairly pricey but i think you can come up with something listenable with stuff you may already have. sometimes i just record mini eps on my iphone because the sound quality is actually p dece and then i dont have to get everything set up

    in regards to itunes/rss, that part is also variable depending on how much you want to spend. you have to host your show somewhere, and itunes requires a particular kind of hosting which no one is giving away for free afaik, so you will end up spending some money to get it on itunes. if you want to go totally free you can just have a rss feed and i can give you some links on how to do it that way but i think you will probably lose out on some listeners that way

    libsyn is the industry standard p much for podcast hosting and they can handle anything you throw at them

    i use this crazy janky site to host my podcast because it is very cheap and i wasnt sure i would be doing it for long: http://www.podcastgarden.com/h/en/ it works for itunes but i have no idea how it would handle things if i suddenly got a ton of new listeners.

    no matter how you end up hosting your podcast i recommend putting your rss link through feedburner here: https://feedburner.google.com/ because it gives you a rss link that redirects where ever you want, so that once you submit your rss link to itunes or people have it subscribed on their players you can change your hosting whenever you want without having to try to get itunes to respond to your emails (they may not if your not scott aukerman or similar) or all your listeners to change an address they barely understand

    You're a gentleman and a scholar.

    Jacob C, if your idea is to do an hilarious but educational entomology-themed podcast, then all I can say is that the race is on. May the best man win.

    Sheesh, what are the chances?

    What I really want to do is a podcast where very snarkily and ironically dissect uber-pretentious reviews (Pitchfork, Kill Screen, etc.) I'm thinking of calling it The Review Review.

    I wrote reviews for a couple years so it's an interest of mine.

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