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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. This was the best. I still owe this show a world of thanks for introducing me to David Bazan. I've since bought all of his records and the Headphones stuff as well.

    On the topic of musical episodes I still would like a return to the episode with Dragoon and Sean Conroy where the guests just sort of brought something musical to the table whether they were musicians or not. It was fun having Conroy get everyone involved in an Irish drinking song.

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  2. I've just been by myself at work today. Like the only one in the whole department. So at lunch I go to Waffle House, which is like 10 minutes down the road. It's cold and breakfast is my favorite food, so coffee and waffles sounds wonderful. I get there, sit down, order my food. And then I realize that I forgot my wallet. So I drive all the way back to the hospital, get my wallet, go all the way back. I was just so determined to eat waffles today, I guess.

    Today has been stupid, is what I'm saying.

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  3. You really can't argue that it was fair!


    I've really dug the music on the podcast. I hate modern country music, generally, but I've always loved Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson and other artists of that ilk. That always felt like "real" country music to me. It's neat to hear that there are artists still making genuine country music with interesting compositions, even if it's not always "my thing." It's always good to widen one's musical horizons. Even if you don't like it, the music doesn't have to inspire YOU. It has to inspire the improvisers, which it does beautifully. Plus there is such a thing as fast forwarding.

    Basically, shut up and stop complaing about a free thing that nobody is forcing you to listen to, is what I'm saying.

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