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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. Y'all for REAL right now: I've been using the mobile version of the earwolf forums...until right now. I had no idea there was a "like" button. This is kind of a game changer for me. Apparently I have 611 likes, which is 611 likes more than I thought was possible to have! Also I didn't know I could change my user name. So I did. For the time being.


    Also my name is Jake so call me that.


    Also Parties I wanna be on your podcast. I'll play my acclaimed character "forgettable new guy"

    • Like 6

  2. Thank you Game of Scones.

    I'm fascinated in how there are some minds able to see through patterns of behaviour to get an insight into the root or seed idea that underlies it all.

    To see such things that the people themselves cannot see, and, obviously if they are rich and famous, other people around them cannot see either.


    I love the humour that comes from expressing these insights.

    Like exaggerating the implications of that "seed" like in the story about the guy going to the public library to wipe his ass with his oscars.

    Going along with that seed and making statements that one would hear from that type of person... but because they say it with a bit of a silly voice, or with super earnestness, it points out the absurdity or flaws of that point of view.


    Are there other ways of expressing such insights into the nature of a behaviour, person, or idea, in a way that makes it funny, other than these?

    Im sure there are, i would love to hear about others!


    The other thing that comes up for me is a bit of fear.

    If these types of minds, like the Hollywood Handbook boys have, can see with such clarity into the behaviour or thinking of people who are very successful... there must be a ton of things that i take for granted myself and are part of my self and world view that look equally as transparently false or flawed to them.

    The fear is that i could have my self and world view so easily shattered and made fun of, and not only that, but made fun of in a way that is really funny to everyone and makes a lot of people laugh... which adds a hell of a lot of power into it.


    Because not only is a fundamental unseen flaw being pointed out... but people are laughing at me for having that flaw... and not only are people laughing at me for having that flaw but A LOT of people are laughing at me for being the way i am because the person expressing that fault is an expert comedian and very funny.

    Which, i imagine, would be soul crushing.


    And im not even a successful hollywood bigshot, im just some guy, so i bet there are a ton of such flaws in my self and world view.


    The only thing that gives me comfort is reminding myself that i have a genuine interest in addressing and removing and false beliefs about my self and the world that i may have, in the interest of personal and spiritual growth.

    And, should such a mind point out such a flaw i have; i am interested in further dialogue about this flaw so i may learn and change.

    And if the person who did point out such a thing about myself, in such an insightful and funny way are not interested in further conversation about this flaw, in the interest of understanding and learning from this insight... then that is a flaw in them that is far greater than any flaw i might have pointed out about myself.


    And i can feel ok that, even though i have flaws, i still have the highest virtue of the desire to participate in reason... which is the thing that allows one to address and remove one's flaws and develop as a person and a soul.

    Idk what you're talking about bruh, this is just a baller show that gives me hot scoops on showbiz life

    • Like 3

  3. However I will critique now and say that if I went into scenes repeatedly and endowed my scene partners with the performers name I would get called out as a lazy improvisor by my scene partners but I guess that's just a culture thing or maybe a format thing.

    You're just...ugh. Come on. You can't seriously think that you can tell Matt Besser whether or not his show is long-form, or if it gives you a "long form vibe." You sound like an idiot. The man is a pioneer of long-form improv. He teaches it in a school. He's one of the founders OF the school. He wrote a book on it. HE KNOWS WHAT IT IS BECAUSE IT HELPED DEFINE WHAT IT IS. Your opinion is irrelevant: Matt Besser is a defining figure of long-form improv and you're just some guy on a message board like me.


    And what on earth does a performers name in a scene have anything to do with anything? What, if the guy's real name is Bill but you call him Bob you're being creative? Unless the name is part of the scene, it's just a name.


    I say this because I love you and you're my best friend

    • Like 1

  4. Such a stacked episode. The David Bazan one I think may go down as the best episode ever. Not just for the insanely brilliant scenes, but for the beautiful music.

    The Animals and Atlantis sketches are just on another level. I don't think there's another sketch show out there on TV or otherwise that can put together a compilation as tight as this one.

    I4H just gets better and better

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  5. Β 


    jacob do you play in SIDS??


    pretty sure i saw you guys at the friggin battle of the bands last week.


    tough loss, posers.

    No no no no no. This was actually a huge part of the problem at BOTB: our band's name is Sid's. SIDS is a totally different band. Sid's is more about PURE rock and rolls, just the power or the music (the name is a play on how our practices are always at our kongaman Sid's house). SIDS is very political and all their songs are about how infant death is bad. We don't really like to take stands on hot button issues like that .


    But we did lose to Coldplay. It seems unfair that they showed up, especially after how they gave Eno the boot for Ghost Stories. And it caused a lot of tension obviously since Gwen is our drummer

    • Like 3

  6. if u think about it, the holy bible might have been the first improv, you got people working together to come up with a story, heavy use of words, and improv has its 'rules' to play the game whereas the bible has its rules in the ten commandments


    now how can you be an atheist mr besser? checkmates

    This makes me think about cavemans! Because they were even before the bible. They invented the "rules" of fire, words and stories and had to completely improvise what anything was going to be because it wasn't even invented yet!

    So really Matt Besser is just a big ripoff of cavemans.

    • Like 1

  7. Matt I think you need to pay more attention to your own work.

    "Our nine minute setup wasn't setting up the rules of what we were going to do." Are you fucking crazy? OF COURSE you were setting up the rules for the next scene, which is the entire point of this argument. This whole thing boils down to format, you think the Whose Line guys are lesser than I4H. But let's break down both shows:


    Whose Line: uses improv games, which they explain to a largely virgin improv audience, they do a scene using that game and the audience is entertained.

    I4H: Matt has a conversation with a fellow improvisor in which the other improvisor tells a story, MAtt asks questions to get specifics, they do a scene drawing from the story just told and a largely improv nerd audience is entertained.


    See Matt, Whose Line has a format that caters to their audience, which isn't into improv, while your format, which doesn't involve "gimmicky" games, uses stories or a youtube clip to give the next scene a basis for the performers to work from.


    These are structurally identical so please explain where you see differences. The Whose Line guys use an improv game to get the players on the same page, I4H uses a story (or clip, etc) to get the players on the same page. See, these are exactly the same thing because they serve the same purpose. Do you seriously not see that?


    I also agree that you should have Proops on the show because he's a great improvisor. He has openly admitted to Whose Line being lowest common denominator but regardless, he's fucking funny and I'd love to hear you two play together (not discuss who's "better" because art is opinion so it's all bullshit/genius anyway).

    Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into this post. I'm sure Matt will really appreciate you explaining to him what improv is. Could you post a link to your book as well? And any classes you teach? Seems like you know your stuff.

    • Like 4

  8. and here is my episode:



    it was tough, but i was able to fit everyone who has ever posted in the HH forums in seamlessly. even the newest folks got their moment in the sun, and many old timers returned to share their quirks and catchphrases.


    thanks tim treese for linking plotbot, thats a cool website

    I feel honored to be a part of this wonderful screenplay :wub:

    Once I get to the point where I understand who everyone is and what anyone is ever talking about, I vow to attempt one of my own

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