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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. Great episode, but Besser's views on cell usage in airplanes make no sense. We can use phones on buses, or trains, or other crowded spaces; the no-phone rule for planes only exists because airlines were worried cell usage would interfere with navigation. When that proved to be a trumped-up concern, the rule stayed in place so airlines could gouge consumers with $15 Go-Go wifi.


    Most of what we do with phones these days doesn't require voice. Why shouldn't I be allowed to text, email, and browse the Internet on a plane? Because of the paternalistic impulse to create an "unconnected" space for a few hours? And if someone next to me wants to make a quick phone call to, say, coordinate with the person picking him/her up from the airport, why shouldn't they be allowed to? Because it might annoy me slightly? Whether my seat mate wants to have a phone conversation or a conversation with the guy across the aisle, I don't have some inalienable right to silence. That's why I bring headphones.

    Silence is the foundation that serves as the basis for all creativity.

    • Like 3

  2. CHICO: You gotta laugh. You gotta laugh. That's what we say in the horse fighting business.

    BEVER: We gotta! That's how you start the fight. You know when in a normal boxing it be like, 'LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUMMMMBLE'? We justβ€” you know, there ain't many people there so you don't even need a microphoneβ€” so we just say, "Folks, you gotta laugh. Now for your enjoyment, two horses that are gonna punch each other 'til one dies."


    It was very appropriate that Taran could not get through that sentence without almost losing his shit multiple times. That is a hilarious sentence.

    I lost it just reading that. One of the funniest eps of all time.

    • Like 2

  3. So, the guy who wrote Monster House is shitting on Jim Henson's entire career? Where does this shitheel get the gall? Not for nothing, but I'll take "48 years of garbage" (supposedly) over 8 years of self-referential shit.


    Also, one of Paul's favorite movies is Hiding Out? That's something.

    His Jim Henson bashing was clearly a joke. Are you for real?

    • Like 4

  4. I was very happy to see Halfway to China breaking the top 3. I only wish in the selected clips they included Don DiMello's description of the 'Chocolate Lady' who has 'no idea what's going on.'


    That line destroys everyone in the studio, and is one of my favorite things DiMello has ever said.


    That line gave me the hardest laugh I had all year! Can't believe it wasn't included in the clip.

    • Like 4

  5. Hard to complain about this list. I had a hard time making a top 20 list, let alone a top 10. Fiere Fight was in my top 5, but it's such a specific and weird episode that I can't imagine it struck a chord with general audiences. The Pool Party episode didn't strike me as a particularly hilarious episode upon first listen, but it gets better the more you get sucked into the weirdly compelling high school drama.


    I don't know what I'm trying to say, other than: thanks for a great year, Scott.

  6. From the Comedy Bang Bang Live shows between Scott and Paul F. Tompkins

    - "I'll allow it, but you're on notice counsellor!" (tip of the hat to John Mulaney and his love of TV procedurals)

    - "'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished" (tip of the hat to Shakespeare and his verbosity)


    Solid gigglers.

    It's actually "but watch yourself councillor!"

    I know this because I've been listening to nothing but these tour episodes for three days like an insane person
