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Posts posted by JacobCrites

  1. I purpose a 2 hour mega-episode for the first 4 movies ("The Fast and the Furious (2001)" "2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)" "The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006)" and "Fast & Furious (2009)") to average 30mins of discussion for each movie


    Or two normal episodes, two movies per episode...


    Or 4 individual episodes... I don't care, I WANT THEM! :D/>


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  2. On the topic of the episode itself, I think this was my favorite Case Closed segment to date (althought the cyborg one was pretty good...) and Stephanie is climbing my list of favorites.

    Stephanie capped almost every scene, right? Man she was funny in this one. Hearing her do her breathing exercizes as Fat Albert just killed me.

  3. What a great episode. Seems like Mr. Cohen really nailed the pros and cons of the Case Closed segment. I agree with Matt so much in that it's a thrilling and satisfying thing to strip away the anonymity of these Internet posters and make them actually interact with a human being and defend themselves. But Cohen is right in that it's only fun to listen to if both people really care about their opinions. That random twitter dude from last week was just such weak soup. He's just a guy that speaks without thinking, not a disgusting bigot who deserved to be dismantled. I think if Matt can get a true-blue douche bag on the show who truly believes in his/her opinion, we'll have a cracking segment.

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  4. Farts and Procreation needs to stop. The first one was incredible (because something like it had never been done before) and it should've ended there. You couldn't replicate it.


    We get it. You're friends and like to make each other laugh. I like hearing the three (four) of you together in a room. However, the concept is old.

    This post is garbage, and not like the band Garbage.

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  5. I was about to try and rank the three Farts and Pros, but I legit think they're all equally funny. I originally thought the 2 was a step down, but after listening to it last night I think it's even better than the first. And none of the previous two instalments have a segment as insane as 3's multiple-level-characs.


    Is that the bus?

    Nah, it's just a guy on a boogie-board.


    Well I tried to get Ben Shapiro to debate me but he did not accept. Brett B on the other hand badgered me all day to debate him and no one else was interested. Like I said on the show I think guys like this represent what a lot of people think. All the time, before the internet existed, I would often think about certain people on certain issues. "What the hell are those people thinking?!" Now with twitter, not only is it easy to "talk" to these people, they actually reach out and want to argue with me. To me that makes them an interesting source material.


    I tried to communicate this with the gun control episode but I really am disappointed in how little comedy podcasts take on important social issues. Also, since I'm being asked about my vision allow me to be a little pretentious here for a second. The original long form improvisers from the Univ. of Chicago thought of their art form as theater for the people. The people meaning, real people with real problems not the upper class who attended "plays". When they would ask for a suggestion from the audience people would shout out shit that they wanted to talk about that was important to them and society. I think that has gotten lost in a big way. Now people shout out some food half the time.

    So I look at Case Closed as being a no holds barred debate. And hopefully from that truth, no matter how ugly it gets, there can be some comedy.

    Now, in regards to there being different mental weight classes in these fights and that being unfair. That is a fact I can't deny. So "bullying" will be next week's topic and I am proud to have Randy "The Ethicist" Cohen on to give me a verbal spanking.

    What I feel, though, is that from the very beginning, Improv4Humans was ALWAYS a show that was able to take on important issues. Long before case closed even started this was the case. I don't think the show needs case closed because it always has intelligent guests that are perfectly capable of discussing these issues without throwing in a random person from twitter. I mean this episode had some of the best sketches the show has done, but all anyone's talking about is this uncomedic segment. I feel like the show should just tackle the issues with the improvisers instead of having a long, momentum-killing segment that makes most people uncomfortable.

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  7. Besides being hugely talented, Bobby Moynihan is a great guest because he's also a fan of the show and knows all the inside jokes. I still remember the first episode he guested on when he was so amped to get a plane break.

    By the way, if there's anyone here that hasn't listened to the first Bobby Moynihan episode, do it. It's a classic.

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  8. I got the sense that Matt's statement about the show ending if it doesn't get its numbers up was mostly in jest. Obviously the show has more listeners than Totally Laime, Yo is this Racist, Reality Show Show and Owen & TJ (I like all those shows. Just saying that their audience is small). But that doesn't make me wish I could do something to get the word out. I tell all my friends about it--probably to an irritating degree. Seriously, if this show ended it would be tragic. It's one of the best shows ever, in any medium.

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