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Everything posted by Silvrwoman

  1. Thank you, this is much better than "manipulate" because using masculine language to refer to both men and women perpetuates the androcentric bias in society where men are seen is the 'norm'* and women as the other. *Norm, if you're reading this because of your google alert, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
  2. That's probably because you didn't do it right. Did you sync both tabs with thejjar's reaction noises as he watches Hotel for Dogs? You have to press play exactly at thejjar's second "awwww" which I believe occurs during the opening credits
  3. This was so much fun! Thank you Ashley! Everyone, it's only 20 min, so only a very minimal time commitment to determine if your name's been mentioned Edit: just to clarify, I'm manipulating you into listening
  4. Maybe next time? Please get in touch with our ppl. And by "our ppl" I mean the person that I am when I get drunk and make stupid decisions, such as having Norm as a guest on a podcast about sexism. J/k Norm, you're pretty cool
  5. omg look, I have the same notebook and a very similar shelf - what a coincidence!
  6. Dammit I probably can't even get a refund on that Mc_khaleezy background check. Do you know how much you're costing me? Sorry, I was being pumpkin-headed, and squashed your feelings just to make a joke. I hope you'll eventually orange me.
  7. The pumpkin is my head dummy! Doctor says the thing underneath should clear up in a few days
  8. Yea, I even got a Hayzie Bone like, yet I couldn't even enjoy it - something was still missing from that post. I think I'll eventually forgive you
  9. Hey I only read the last part of what you said, but I'm assuming the only reason you need a boyfriend is for opening beers
  10. Why? She reminded you too much of your mom? That happened to me once too. Work with it, trust me
  11. Brandon, Which television show should Turing Pharmaceuticals sponsor?
  12. I got excited for a second 'cause I thought that the yellow text was a link to the actual podcast. Very disappointing
  13. omg you guys, speaking of drugs, and I'm sorry cause I know ppl don't like to hear someone share her "that time I got high" experience, but I just have to tell you this crazy, trippy story. A while ago when I was sooooo high...totally loaded, I mean it was insane how high I was, you wouldn't even be able to imagine how stoned I was, like way higher than you would think. Anyway, I was so high that I went to rehab
  14. SteveH will read them to you over the phone* *This is a callback joke I think
  15. If you're having trouble choosing, go with the most heavily used bridge and do it at the most congested time of day so that at least you'll get some attention out of the situation.
  16. But I thought you didn't like jokes? You don't crack yourself up?
  17. I knew I was doing it wrong!
  18. Yea, but is it really worth the cost of the apology flowers I'd have to send?
  19. By "that guy" do you mean me? Edited cause I don't like making mean jokes
  20. I've already picked out the colors for our matching lanyard keychains
  21. I think that there was a glitch because the whole middle part of you post got omitted. No worries though, I've filled in the blank space for everyone with what I'm pretty sure you meant to say: This thread has really made me realize something. It's time for me to tell my truth: I'm from new england and am in love with wasps and even like to be stung and my dream is to move in to a comfortable nest with my funny wasp soul mate. She will probably be just as funny as I am because the differences between male and females are very small and far between and have nothing to do with wit. I also think that human men and Women are funny! Sometimes! But I still prefer the comfort I get from straight WASPy new-englanders.
  22. No, I was dressed up like a thejjar that night. You must be thinking of the Chanukah party