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Everything posted by Silvrwoman

  1. Not my brother again! I'm so sick of these incestrial fan-fic sloppy seconds!
  2. I just like that phrase. I went to a catholic high school and our Christian Sexuality teacher used that phrase a lot for some reason Edit to clarify that this is not a priest molestation joke, and I really did have to attend a class called, "Christian Sexuality"
  3. Have you found that if a guy has a certain name, he's usually a bad choice? In other words, have you met a lot of assholes that share a particular name
  4. Whatever. I've dated two of everyone's name on this forum
  5. Great, maybe you can pick us up some more sriracha books and mustache themed stationary
  6. Yea, I would have bought more but that was all my fixed gear bike could hold
  7. Guys, my neighborhood is changing. It now has a store which sells this:
  8. Can you folks recommend any particular improv performers to see on this lineup?
  9. That really exceeded my expectations. These are some of my favorite parts:
  10. ....it's a nurturing and safe environment
  11. Dammit now I have a boner. Thanks a lot JeffreyParties
  12. Yes, send me your CC info instead, I'm friends with Mr. Scripps - it will be much safer. Btw, what is your credit limit? On a separate note, does your mom have a cool maiden name? Prove it. Edit: Sorry, I'm trying to sound cool, but I would have asked the same question.
  13. If you were were trying to be mean, then you failed cause I didn't perceive it that way. So maybe you're right - you are inept at that, and need to add some meanness for balance. You fucking idiot
  14. Duh it's the space between the mental institution and the recycling bin
  15. Wait which one is Sean again?
  16. Basically, meet me near the Christmas tree
  17. You know - the one missing the ball and rope. Oh now that I'm saying this, I think I know why you may have been confused. It might have been more accurate to just call it the pole (the one some one dressed up like a Christmas tree a couple years ago but never took down)
  18. The first ad in this ep was amazing. I actually hope that Howl starts following the same model as Hulu so that there are more and more ad breaks as the service grows. Eventually Hayes & Sean will have to do an ad every 8 min and it will take 2 hours to listen to an HH ep. If anyone has a problem with this, I'll be waiting for you on the play yard near the tetherball pole (the broken one) at 3:30. No knives.
  19. I just watched this masterpiece by Tim Treese, and I was laughing so hard that my apartmentmate asked me if I was OK: So do you think I discovered this 'cause I watched those Box Angels videos, or more likely because YouTube has an algorithm which determined that people who watch dog/chicken cuddling videos as well as British documentaries split into eight 11 min videos, also tend to make large electronic purchases?
  20. Re-re-re-reality! This is perfect for me 'cause I've just finally started listening to RSS. Hopefully Cochran doesn't give away any spoilers
  21. Unfortunately, I just realized that most of us forum-ers didn't include #TweetChart. If none of our questions are chosen, just remember it's probably because of this inadequate hashtag usage, and certainly would have nothing to do with quality of the questions themselves.
  22. I'm getting some conflicting advice. Therefore, I'm going to compromise and first listen start to finish and then post a detailed diary entry about my emotions and experience. If you guys think that my feelings are incorrect, I will pay someone to hit me over the head until I no longer remember anything from RSS, and then begin a fresh RSS listening session, this time listening to the last one first and going backwards