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Everything posted by Silvrwoman

  1. Everybody should check out chickn's blog. It is hilarious, and I'm not just saying that because I want chickn to "like" this post; that would be ridiculous, right? I'm not gonna tell you guys what or where the blog is cause I think you'd enjoy it even more, knowing you put hard work into finding it. Here's a hint: look at his freakin signature
  2. Hey Guyz! Great ep this week! Very depressing ending though. You know when you see a very good movie and you cry during the sad part, but your mom/date tells you that it’s just a movie and everything’s going to be ok? Well, this was not like that, because it was not a movie, and everything may not be OK, and you know what, I hope Babe fucking dies, who the fuck even cares. Sorry, I’m a bit upset right now. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that it was very upsetting to learn that my favorite thing in the world may have been cancelled. I am very depressed. Hope everyone has a great week! Soup, that was the old me. I listen to all the podcasts now; I love them!
  3. Speaking of the LA podfest thing, does anyone have access to the HH video? I would like to watch it again, but it's no longer available on the website Edit: Thank you Wheez!!!!!!!!!! I'm an idiot - I thought you meant they just posted the "oh gosh" part of the video
  4. Norm, I know it's confusing because they both make sounds, but this is not a smart phone and it cannot play podcasts
  5. Yes!!!!! Earlier today, I re-listened to ep 25 in which they did the contract negotiations with Scott Aukerman and Jeff Ullrich!!!! I'm so stoked for this episode!!!!! What are the chances?! I think I believe in God now. Dammit
  6. SteveH, I am not happy about this analogy! HH is perfect and whatever you are describing sounds disgusting! #KeepYourHotdogOutofHollywoodHandbook
  7. Are you trying to upload directly to the forums? That usually doesn't work for me. Try uploading to imgur and copy/pasting the bbcode. Note: if the image is fucked up or offensive, I didn't help you and will deny everything
  8. Happy Birthday Hayes! I would have sent you a card but I already tried sending you and Sean a package a while ago and it never got there. It’s unfortunate ‘cause it contained Oaksterdam t-shirts, which I’m sure would have made you look dope af compared to all the other podcasters walking around wearing t-shirts with ironic phrases such as “D.A.R.E” or “Justin Beiber World Tour” or “Ninja Turtles”. These are funny t-shirts because young men love drugs but hate Justin Beiber; I don’t understand the Ninja Turtle one tbh. Anyway, back to my point. Hayes, I hope you have a great bday. You are truly one of the two funniest people in the world and should be celebrated every day, not just once a year.
  9. "Silver...ethnic connotations" I'm livid, Hayes, livid! Jk. Great ep. One of the best opening segments ever. Brett was amazing. Ads were hilarious. P.S. I won’t be on the forums for a while because I have a lot of stuff to get done and I can’t have all your funny posts cracking me up and distracting me. So, even though I may not “like” your post, please know that I probably would have loved it. Don't worry, I'll help you get used to it by not liking any posts this week. xoxo P.P.S. Hollywood Handbook is still my favorite thing in the world and Sean & Hayes will always be my idols
  10. Silvrwoman

    EPISODE 124 — Big Apple Bible, Episode 1

    ^ This is sincerely very clever. Not to toot my own horn, but I am proud of myself for doing such a good post.
  11. Silvrwoman

    EPISODE 124 — Big Apple Bible, Episode 1

    Sorry, yet again, for posting from my secondary account, Montgomery, which I soley use while huffing glue. Anyway, now that I'm not high af anymore, who's every one's dream HH guest? Here's my wish list, in no particular order: Tim Heidecker Andy Kindler Sarah Silverman Nathan Fielder Claudia O'Doherty
  12. Silvrwoman

    Hollywood Handbook Art

    That's so good
  13. Silvrwoman

    EPISODE 124 — Big Apple Bible, Episode 1

    Is doughboys the same amount of bad as other non-HH podcasts or worse?
  14. Silvrwoman

    EPISODE 124 — Big Apple Bible, Episode 1

    Very good episode. I liked how Sean didn't die even though Tom was trying to yes and him into suicide via ladder Btdubs, I'm not making new notebooks, so if they change the logo to say Big Apple Bible, I'm just gonna stick Macbook logo stickers below the Bible versus on In N Out cups; I don't care if I go to hell - I don't have time for this shit
  15. Does anyone know who made the teaser freezer theme for this episode?
  16. Wow, how long do you think it took Sam to shoot his load of photos this week? Edit: Sorry, that came out wrong. There's more episode photos this week than usual is what I'm trying to say
  17. Silvrwoman

    Episode 122 - Deadpool, Our Close Fiend

    Sorry Jeff, that was me. I just thought we both could do a little better
  18. Silvrwoman

    Episode 122 - Deadpool, Our Close Fiend

    I think it's one of those CBB t-shirt jokes like "heynogman" or "hdtgm"
  19. Silvrwoman

    Episode 122 - Deadpool, Our Close Fiend

    Whatever Jeff. My parents bought me a car when I got the pro-version
  20. Silvrwoman

    Episode 122 - Deadpool, Our Close Fiend

    No one listen to other podcasts; they will only disappoint you! This American Life is pretty good sometimes though tbh Also, great ep! Loved Sean's cup story and Hayes's Deadpool brought me to tears. Cheeba, congrats but get out of your couch and off of those drugs, or next thing you know you'll be selling that pro-version to buy your next bag of Funyuns!
  21. Remember wheez, we have to think it's cool to like cool things again. We've come full circle. It's okay though, I'm getting really into Fantasy weed smoking on FanDuel; it's not gambling if you always win
  22. Great ep. Great pcg. Happy Belated Birthday Ranran