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Posts posted by Hilarahh

  1. Since Jason Mantzoukas is always making funny comments about how aroused he was during inappropriate moments in these horrible movies, have him have a segment in one of the podcasts where he goes down the top three sexiest moments of the movie that nobody else in the world would find sexy. This would work hilariously with movies intended for children (like The Smurfs) or boring movies (Like The Happening) or even just graphically violent movies.


    I have to give serious credit to Jason Mantzoukas for calling this movie out on how bizarre and inappropriate Bella's motivations are in this series. It would be funnier if there weren't so many young people receiving the messages of this movie. And I can't imagine what Bella and Edward will actually talk about when they're out of danger. They literally have nothing to connect them except the implicit threat of Bella's death by Edward, Jacob, the coach from the Damned United. This movie is bonkers.


    I'm with Franklin Smith. If I didn't have a ladyboner for Jason Mantzoukas before, I sure as hell did when he made the comment about Bella having no agency. It blows my mind how this girl who is so "special" to these vampires and werewolfs or whoever--she makes almost no decisions for herself, and her feelings and even her BODY are not really her own anymore, according to them.
