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Status Updates posted by JoeWatchesTV

  1. Lloyd Blankfein's the Wrong Spokesman for Gay Rights. @HRC, this is why many gays feel "dollared out" by your group. http://t.co/uf6FxF24

  2. Bill O'Reilly: "They're Portraying Him As a Religious Zealot" Me: Well, he is! @Gawker http://t.co/G2a9S83r #duh #p2 #tcot #catholic

  3. .@hegedusericc I see your t-shirt line is out. Congrats! I don't think this needs to be in kids' sizes though. http://t.co/U3uKYqwC

  4. Who's gonna get fired for big @mittromney fail? Shoulda never gone with the stadium option, pics look pathetic. His "tank & helmet" moment?

  5. .@ThisIsRobThomas My dog threw the damn cone across the room (still can't figure out how). Still barks at it if she sees it in the garage.

  6. .@MalinAkerman You look great. You'll have a great time. @craigyferg

  7. .@MattMira But I can only afford the one hooker, so they have to share. There will be Purell, I imagine.

  8. .@KateWalsh, you nudey cutey on the cover of Shape. I betcha you're wearing your @boyfriend in this pic. http://t.co/uIUqhr0A via @CBSNews

  9. How many Republicans do you think they lost this time out? Every debate ends with less then when they started.

  10. Tyler Labine will happen. I don't know that this is the series, but he will eventually happen. http://t.co/Sc3QMajv #pilot #justinkirk #nbc

  11. Watch .@PaleyCenter events in your underwear. Or naked. Or drunk off your ass (though I don't recommend that). But how? http://t.co/97XpLxaI

  12. Is that a giant drag queen on We the People with Gloria Allred? She needs new hair people, stat.

  13. Wow! Is this a new .@RickSantorum ad running in Michigan? http://t.co/LpoxANSZ

  14. Commented on: Eric Stonestreet's photo "Hey @colemanthedog I'm at @ji..." on WhoSay: http://t.co/v4sOhBUz

  15. ‘Late Late Show’ Director Brian McAloon To Depart After 17 Years http://t.co/4OYSzizO @rsanews @craigyferg @latelateshow

  16. Daily Kos: Newt Gingrich's sugar daddy not proud of serving America http://t.co/a9ViPwE3 via @dailykos

  17. Dear Twitter spammers, what will you do when all the pics of anonymous hot girls have been used? Disney princesses? Oh, okay, but not Ariel.

  18. New Bobcat Goldthwait-directed film is just all kinds of f**kin' awesome. http://t.co/HydJYnaT via @youtube #godblessamerica #thatsthetitle

  19. Remember that guy in the red leather suit? Where'd he go? http://t.co/JGJ27X7b

  20. Al Qaeda Is Going Gently into the Night - Global - The Atlantic Wire http://t.co/6jICVC4b

  21. Westboro protesters or Photoshop? It's the latter at #whitney funeral http://t.co/B5W8Z9Ut #lies #religion #lgbt #scum

  22. .@ComedyCentral Bernie Mac tribute special 2night at 10. 3-1/2 years later, but whatever. Watch clips of Bernie at http://t.co/h7YlUDzh

  23. Ugh, so many .@nerdist podcasts in my queue, three a week? Oh Jonah Del Rey, what will I do? #nerdproblems @jonahray
