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Everything posted by BenDunbar

  1. BenDunbar

    Episode 122.5 — 4/5/13 TWO CHARTED 61

    That diet sounds like a one way ticket to ulcer town, pop. Ramhand
  2. BenDunbar

    Episode 119.5 — 3/15/13 TWO CHARTED 58

    Had no idea who that was so I went to his site. It's really well done. His beats sound like something from The Legend Of Kyrandia. That game was kinda whitebread, I guess.
  3. BenDunbar

    Episode 119.5 — 3/15/13 TWO CHARTED 58

    Any episode that has a pic of Kulap smiling that broadly is one that I am hyped for.
  4. BenDunbar

    Episode 118 — Shit Fits

    I'm gonna delete what I said here, cause that level of bitterness should never cross a happy healthy person's lips/fingers, but seriously dude. Learn to be a better, nicer person.
  5. BenDunbar

    Episode 118 — Shit Fits

    For a long time, when I introduced myself, people would think I was saying "Matt" instead of Ben and I could never figure it out. Turns out, due to my flat-as-the-plains accent coming from the west coast, the word "Man" sounds like "Matt" and I would always respond with "Ben, man". Now I just say "Benjamin" and let people invent their own corruption.
  6. BenDunbar

    Episode 118 — Shit Fits

    Off-topic, but, hey man. Cool name.
  7. BenDunbar

    Episode 118 — Shit Fits

    You seem to have an aggressive dislike toward this dude. He's def a part of the Los Angeles ecology that I could do without, but, why so serious chartists?
  8. BenDunbar

    Episode 118 — Shit Fits

    I'm gonna do an end-run around all this haterade and point out that, hey Howard! Your hair looks real good!
  9. Did someone anchor this before, or, has your tolerance for people's hobbies become severely crippled?
  10. BenDunbar

    Episode 116.5 — 2/22/13 TWO CHARTED 55

    I used to play poker professionally with a group of guys in Georgia, and there was a woman who would play with us named "Sedona". She was notorious for dating whomever had the biggest bankroll in the group, and when you pulled down a big pot, it was called "Winning Sedona".
  11. What is it about Lapkus that makes Scott go all weird and pervy? I refer the jury, of course, to "I think it means...bend over bitch?"
  12. BenDunbar

    Episode 116 — Feel The Night

    Cotton was actually Increase's son and was mainly known for his role in the Salem Witch Trials. He called people who defened the accused "Witch Advocates" which is also the name of the indie RPG I'm trying to get bankrolled through Kickstarter.
  13. BenDunbar

    Episode 6 — Analyze Fish Pt. 2

    To respond to the Knife In The Water analogy: That film is about a couple on a boat who take on a stranger, and, it progressively becomes more tense as they stay out in open water. The tension mostly erupts from the jealously of the older husband towards his younger wife and this male passenger. It's on Netflix, you decide!
  14. BenDunbar

    Episode 201 — End Scene

    The Pope's a real PUNtifex sorry!
  15. BenDunbar

    Episode 115.5 — 2/15/13 Two Charted 54

    "But when you get a good one, Ku-Wieeee! Moooooovies!"
  16. BenDunbar

    Episode 115 — Bizarro

    I agree with Harris' "any sex is better than no sex" in the abstract, but in actuality, sex can be emotionally, physically and even logistically messy. Which is why Harris is cool and I'm a nerd cause I consider consequences!
  17. BenDunbar

    Episode 112.5 — 1/25/13 TWO CHARTED 51

    I'm gonna say I actually think he's a little confused on the terminology himself because "maAd" city stands for "Made me an angel on angel dust". Let's just assume poetic license and go on with our lives.
  18. BenDunbar

    Episode 112.5 — 1/25/13 TWO CHARTED 51

    Also, it's more likely that joint was spiked with angel dust aka PCP aka Kendrick Lamar.
  19. BenDunbar

    Episode 112.5 — 1/25/13 TWO CHARTED 51

    Still no new DBS? Too busy doing home acupuncture?
  20. BenDunbar

    Episode 130 — Hatian Dad

    I listened to this episode before I went to go see Hannibal Burress in san diego and Eric Andre's last minute "I'm opening in san diego" was an appreciated spoiler, he did a fantastic set.
  21. BenDunbar

    Episode 5 — Analyze Fish

    Thief is great, so, shut up. Also, they were at a steel mill. As a man who dresses like a union-busting robber baron, I assume PFT would be aware of this!
  22. BenDunbar

    Episode 5 — Analyze Fish

    "The peak is in 2 bars" Anyone else think Harris was referring to the amount of Xanex he took during this song?
  23. BenDunbar

    Episode 111 — You Wanna Ocean Tonight?

    According to Prof. Wayne himself: "Lil Wayne's grandmother nicknamed tune and Wayne started added the Chi to form his own nickname Tunechi to make it sound like Gucci." Pretty lame!
  24. BenDunbar

    Episode 1 — No Homo

    Do people really still say "no homo"? I remember hearing that back in 2007 and thinking it sounded goofy, that stood up to the test of time?
  25. BenDunbar

    Episode 2 — Sad Robot Music

    Totally auto'd during that segment. Pretty funny, mildly irritating. Am I the only dude who likes Drake?