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About HanginOutHanginOut

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  1. I watched Julie and Jack, James Nguyen's debut film, and wow. Guess what it's about? A computer salesman who falls in love with a beautiful blonde girl. Hilarious awkward conversation ensues, and 30 minutes in they tell you it was all virtual reality (guess that explains the weird period clothing they were wearing). I realize now that Nguyen has a few director's trademarks including white people in asian clothing, board room meetings, and Tippie Hedren (wtf?). Oh, and barely human acting. Speaking of Nguyen, he makes a director's cameo as Professor Tran. (I'm thinking about putting it on youtube). He breaks the rule of never mentioning a good movie in the middle of your bad movie when he mentions what he calls "Space Odyssey 2001". His whole performance seemed rushed, like he was too busy to act in his own movie. The club singer plays a preacher in this one and sings a song called "Spiritual Love". Natalie's mom also makes an appearance. From a technical standpoint, it's a lot better than Birdemic but still really shitty. The audio and cuts are consistent and there aren't any overly long driving/parking scenes. So if you are a birdemic fan and can find a copy of it check it out. The whole movie reminds me of a fake movie the Full House characters would have on in the background.