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Everything posted by robinsbruce

  1. Yes on this blessed day before I am tankful for all of the advantages I have simply by being a white man. Oh yeah and I live in oregon so blaze it up you filthy long hairs.
  2. Fruit is gross I only eat the rawest of potatoes.
  3. Even when banksy disrespects you it means he respects you enough to disrespect you so it's still kind of a win tbh imho
  4. We should just starting listing things all the time it makes for a really interesting read.
  5. going to say Ciera this week just because people are tired of her "play the game" speeches.
  6. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    You/she seem like a chill lady
  7. Goodbye Fishbach, he will try to eliminate Joe. However, he will start crying a lot and people will vote him off for being an unstable cry baby
  8. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    gotta get at me on facebook first bb boi
  9. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    Nah but I did like that refreshments song during this ep
  10. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    can't stay mad at you bae, you get them nails did? SO fly.
  11. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    ooooo guh you play too much
  12. robinsbruce

    EPISODE 109 — The ScuzzMan Returns

    Took my name back, suck it internet
  13. Women in norcal are hotter you dun fucked up mike
  14. Because of McDonald's number of stores and incredible employee turnover it's kind of like hpv. Almost impossible to test for but you can assume most people have at some point, worked for McDonald's without wearing a condom.
  15. Oooooh baybay. I think kass will either take Spencer out this week or kimmi will drop something else in the fire and Keith will rally the entire island against her.
  16. Hoping for the rare double tribal with reward dinner for one tribe and looking to see Terry and Abi get the fuuuuck off that island.
  17. Wow, Ms. Pillows. So. Cute. I just don't know if I have the body type for the Annabelle, I kind of fancy myself as more of a lucy bra kind of lad. It's just like, all about confidence for me and I've never been sure that I have the right size you know? Gosh, should we just have a fitting party? We can drink red wine all night and talk about boys!
  18. Well guys I've been pretty busy trying to get a thesis together for grad school but this weather is so nice I just had to break out the big guns. Anyway love peace and banana grease or whatever you freaky hippies.
  19. That's all good, but like, do you have any cats or what?
  20. This durty burd never left. Just silently lurkin and jerkin. Edit: get at me drunk ladies.
  21. A little birdy told me Hayes was wearing that shirt for someone special.
  22. Wow. Just going to have to give this episode an outright PROBST baby. So, so good from front to back. Great camp drama and team stuff this week. Spencer thinks that having feelings means just saying he has feelings over and over until people believe him while simultaneously throwing Wiggs under the bus. Sound work Spence, don't hate the player hate the game. Kelley thinks Kass is trying to make a fake idol, psych you dummy she made you a birthday present now don't you feel like a jerk? Fishbach still believes that he will find and idol and that makes me very happy. Angkor has nothing but it's impossible to feel bad for them because they are not very good....or are they??? Both challenges in this episode were amazing. The reward challenge is normally an individual immunity challenge, I like that they switched it up and made each team pick one person to do the challenge. Ta Keo and Angkor basically elect their oldest hot dad (Savage and Deets) to do the challenge while Bayon chooses Jeremy. Good idea guys let's put these old bros against a fucking adonis like Jeremy. Jeepers, watching Jeremy do that challenge was like a god damn cologne commercial. I'm sittin in a puddle just thinking about it. Guess what though, Jeremy gets third place and somehow Angkor wins first. YOU GET ME EVERY TIME PROBST, so good on ya! Abi is still awful. There's just no way around it. She spends so much time "tinking" and "reflecting" that she basically is 0 help to her tribe this whole episode. The only good thing about it is being able to watch the sheer annoyance of Tasha and Woo when the Abidook is talking. *eye roll* Immunity challege: Maybe one of the best team challenges I have seen. It appears that every person who competed was seriously injured by heavy wooden boxes? Fuck yes. Was there incoherent yelling? You bet buddy. WAS KEITH THE BEST EVER? OH YEEEEEAH. This is basically K-dawg for the whole challenge: Anyway, Ta Keo and Bayon get all their pieces back and finish the challenge while Angkor took a nap on their blocks. Angkor loses, again. Not surprising yet still very satisfying. Back at camp Abi needs to do some more "tinking." I don't know if you guys have heard this, but Woo has written Abi's name down twice. Don't worry if you forget the number Abi will tell you another 50 times. Tribal counsel. Amazing. Probst throwing out thinly veiled questions gets Woo and Varner to basically sell each other out in real time. So good. Varner is voted out ostensibly because his foot hurts. He loves Abi so much he calls her a little bitch when he leaves. That Varner, such a sweetie. This is what Survivormans is all about.
  23. I'm going to be boring and choose the abidook. I feel like I may be wrong but I don't know how long she can keep getting by on luck and the fact that no one is worried about her.
  24. Wow. What an episode. I don't have too much to add, because most of what I was thinking has been said pretty well already. Tribe swap: The good thing about having players who have already been on the show is that they are all delusional enough to say to a camera and to their new tribesmates, "We got so lucky, we have a good tribe, this is a strong tribe, we are going to be good." That is except for Angkor, because come on that tribe is garbage. They don't have a shelter or food and now they are down one person. Good luck you dummies. Jeremy finds the clue to the idol. I like Jeremy. I don't really have any other thoughts than he and Kelley both have idols now and neither of them need an idol since they're both physical and not socially inept. It's good though because now Fishbach will never find one and he's doomed to just slap stuff with a machete until he's voted out. Tasha keeps it 100, no busters allowed. Varner has completely lost his mind. It's as if he hasn't been outside once since he was on the show the last time. He spent the majority of the episode yelling, sleeping, or being angry at clouds. Guess what guys, Abi still "doesn't know what you are trying to say right now." It may be because english is her second language, but more likely it's because she's a paranoid monster person with no self awareness. I still think she will be dragged to the merge because she's a non-factor in this game. The challenge was cool, but let's be honest Probst should have just sent Ta keo and Bayon back to camp immediately. There is no universe in which Angkor would have won. Woo's edit is amazing. He comes off as confused. Not about his alliance but about the game itself and his surroundings. The producers make it look like Woo has never even seen the show survivor much less participated and done well in it. P.G. was voted out. Seems dumb to me but ok. The next few episodes will surely be watching Angkor self-destruct. Good stuff Probst.