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Everything posted by robinsbruce

  1. I am also consuming beers on Christmas eve.
  2. Cool. Pick you up at noon. There will probably be beers after
  3. Hey silver lady do you want to go see the star war with me and my parents and my sister and her boyfriend tomorrow
  4. Wait, why are you eating toenails? Have we learned nothing from "My Strange Addiction" smdh yall
  5. Lulz. No such thing, mon frere.
  6. Nah there's some old barrel drums down there we can use. Just pick up some mad dog 20/20 and blunt wraps head on to the train yard, gate should already be cut and I'll bring some extra pant cans fo ya
  7. Just met up with the boys, bout to whack knuckles and spray. Going to tag up some train cars and hang out by a trash fire. Wan go?
  8. Nothing conceptual about trying to win the big bucks, my man.
  9. It comes up sometimes. Sup duu welcome
  10. anyone want to get drunk in portland next tuesday before my flight? cha boi hates to fly sober. no fake andrews allowed.
  11. Where'd you dig up that basketball
  12. Ease up off jmo's jock dawg.
  13. She sounds like a top lass. Tell her I'm v generous wit dem treat biscuits.
  14. Rose is worth it bro. She's ride or die, to the park for a walk.
  15. Does anyone else remember the exact moment in their life when they realized they probably have one of the nice kinds of HPV? Just me? Hmmmmm.
  16. It's good to know that this group is full of young, progressive, and socially conscious people just trying to make sense out this crazy mixed up world we live in. I would contribute more but I have a wedding to plan and I don't want to ruin my chances of going to boner town on my wedding night. Rose always holds grudges and I'm pretty sure she's still mad that I don't give her rope kong toys anymore. ta ta
  17. Sorry ladies, gents, and top lads. Now that the gay people won the war on marriage I can marry my one Tru boo.
  18. Hi annie, I made some corn bread dressing. It was very good and I have a picture but I am also full of beers so I will not be posting it now.
  19. Wait you guys actually vote on the best of cbb episodes?
  20. I'm generally in corvallis or in east oregon doing research but I roll through portland almost every week and sometimes I drink too much and stay there. Beavers are p cool.
  21. Location says PDX, you in south east portland or have you fled south into the valley? Everyone else who doesn't live in oregon can just deal with this conversation as far as I'm concerned.