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Everything posted by pscudese

  1. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    See I respectfully disagree, because after the action scene, the female producer goes... "Killian, you didn't have to kill him." I took that as you don't have to "kill" the guy pretending to be Ben. Also based on your analysis we are too assume that in this old footage, Capt Freedom killed a woman as well and I think that is too far of a stretch. Find footage of when both a man and a woman were killed at the same time by Capt.
  2. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    YES! Who did he end up killing?! I cold have sworn it was the make up artist but he's alive in the next shot. Thinking about it, it should have been the old man mopping the floors. That would have been an awesome call back. Who is this guy!!
  3. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Totally agree, but I'm just assuming that since she saw the fake airport video footage (saying there were deaths when in fact there weren't), that she simply assumed Ben was too framed for the Bakersfield incident.
  4. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    What is so crazy, is that in this universe, everyone appears to be totally cool if mass murders are released back into society. When we are introduced to Whitman, Price and Haddad, they are treated as heroes via a video tribute. However, these mass murders are released back into society after outlasting stalkers.... who are in essence experienced mass murderers. These former convicts are now more elusive and stronger due to winning The Running Man. I don't know. Maybe in this world, "basking under the maui sun" turns anyone into a decent human being.
  5. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Besides walking away with some new electronics and a Running Man board game, audience members can also win a "year's supply of Ortho Pure Procreation pills." I get it... Ortho Pure Procreation Pills are essentially fertility pills and we can assume that in this dystopian future... maybe it's either hard to have a kid or the government restricts the number of kids one can produce. But the scariest thing is, that these pills are dolled out in both "adult and KIDDIE sizes." WHAT... THE... FUCK?!?!?! This government is seriously messed up! Babies having Babies y'all!
  6. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    One of the biggest questions I have after re-watching the movie, is what is the deeper outcome of this film. I get it that Ben Richards is now proven innocent, but what else has really changed? We find out that the three former winners were actually killed in the end and Killian is murdered. But does that mean anything in the long run? Killian was simply a pawn in the government's plan to keep the country under their control. Are we too assume that the upper class now is against the government and will simply revolt with the lower class? At least in the book, Ben takes out the entire corporation. Here he just kills the figurehead. The system is still in place. Paul... Help! What are your thoughts!
  7. pscudese

    Episode 163 - The Running Man

    Besides re-watching this glorious movie, I also listened to Steven de Souza (the writer) talk about this masterpiece on another Earwolf podcast -- "I was there too." (FYI... Everyone should also check out episode #25 when Paul discusses his time on the set of Meet Dave.) Anyway... there are some great stories de Souza brings up with a favorite being... Due to a tight schedule, the test screening needed some ADR from Arnold and rather then burning him out before final release, de Souza actually laid down some of Schwarzenegger's lines. Funny thing is... a few of them are still in the movie. Like after Arnold kills Buzzsaw, "He had to split" is de Souza! #bonkers #ThankGodThisWasMade
  8. pscudese

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    At the end of the film, we see Cyper escape via parachute. But what if the chute doesn't open properly and although surviving the crash, she is severely injured? All of this pushes Cypher further over the edge and gives her more determination to wipe out the entire team in the next installment. So how does one destroy the Furious crew? You must become Furious or in essence.... FURIOSA All the best, Pete the "S" man www.PeteScudese.com
  9. pscudese

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Is anyone else foreseeing that the opening of Fast 9 will be... Vin intensely racing through the streets of LA. We have no clue as to what is going on, but we can see that he is extremely concerned and possibly fearful for his life. Vin is talking frantically to Letti via a walkie an saying, "I'm coming! Hold on! I won't let you down!" After a few beats, we reveal that Vin... is simply late to a day care interview for Brian. All the best, Pete the "S" man
  10. pscudese

    Episode 161 - The Fate of the Furious

    Just finished this week's episode and I couldn't agree more with the team on how wonderful all the insanity and fun the film was. On the flip side, I feel this film is the least favorite of mine since the resurgence of the franchise in Fast 5. Isn't it crazy that the premise of the first film was Brian infiltrating this group of street racers who were knocking off trucks delivering home entertainment systems?! So in 16 years we gone from DVD players (not Blu Rays since that was not released till two years later) to nuclear footballs! As a fan of this series, I aspect that I must dispel some realities when it comes to hijacking self-driving cars or the ability to out run an army and nuclear sub on an unsteady frozen lake... I do have some issues with the following: 1. How in the hell did Vin set up the meeting with Helen Mirren?! At no point do we see Dom get a message to her inner circle or receiving any information that the mom is in fact an underground boss. It would have been amazing if Vin assumed that she was connected and ended up dealing with an Estelle Getty type, ala "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot!" Also, how did Vin have the freedom to mess around with his NYC car so he could create a "kill switch." I'm assuming that car is on the cargo plane and not one picked up in NYC. So they just let him tool around with it and no one is overseeing his handiwork? 2. In what world would Cypher and her team let Vin go on any of his missions alone? The red headed guy should be attached to his hip at all times to ensure he follows through on the game plan. Plus with all that is at stake, it would be nice to protect your "investment." 3. I sincerely love that there was a homing beacon on Vin's cross, but never are we shown him pocketing it from Cypher and applying it. Also, when Cypher and her goon executed Elena... how did they not see the constant blinking red light on the back side of the cross?! Anyway... cheers to the writer and looking forward to Fast 9! All the best from Pete the "S" man and of course... many thanks to the entire HDTGM crew for churning out perfect episodes on a weekly basis.
  11. pscudese

    Episode 157 - Surf Ninjas: LIVE!

    Listed to the Damn Prophecy!!! We are told that Patusan was the most peaceful place on earth for over 4,000 years. We are also informed that there's a prophecy that predicted it would fall at a certain time to evil and then eventually restored to peace once the oldest prince turns 16. So in that the native people believe this prophecy and it in fact comes true, then I ask: 1. Why were they not preparing for the evil uprising? They were informed that the peace would be broken by BLOODSHED at the "seventh cycle after nemfull as eagles to the moon." Fucking fortify the gates and practice! Keep the celebration for prince #2 to a minimum. 2. Even if people didn't initially believe the prophecy, after the BLOODSHED took place and peace was broken... why would Zatch not tell Mac to be open and honest with both boys. Tell them of what happened to their people and that one day you will rise up and lead the resistance... John Connor style! Also why didn't Zatch just go with the boys and he and Mac could raise them in some kind of Bloodsport mixed with My Two Dads scenario? Anyway... Great movie to watch and review. Love to all at HDTGM. Really, really helped this week when I was dealing with a loss. xo Pete the "s-man" Scudese
  12. What I found truly amazing, is that within the first 3 minutes, this film deposits the idea that super heroes exist in this universe. Neymar's title card says that he was under the assumption he was being recruited for The Avengers. So I ask: 1) What ability does Neymar bring to the table when The Avengers is made up of folks like a Greek God or a Giant Green Monster. Is it simply for the fact that he has fancy footwork? What would be his superhero alter ego... Dropshot? 2) And if The Avengers exist, why is the government entrusting this over-the-hill, X-sports douchebag when they can reach out to Tony Stark or Capt America? Oh and let's not unpack the mind bending reality that Nick Fury now has a functioning right eye. So this raced through my head and I knew it was only going to get worse... for the better! Pete the "S" Man
  13. pscudese

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    If ever there is a re-boot of Perfect Strangers, we all know who should be considered!
  14. pscudese

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    So Snake Plotskin is infected with the disease and told he has less then 10hrs to receive the antidote. In fact, the first countdown introduced shows 9hr 31min and 14secs. Now obviously the government set the time for 10hrs to ensure Snake moves swiftly for fear that Jose Cuervo will use the device against the U.S. And on the flip side, Snake should want to move quickly so he doesn't die. Since both sides should be concerned about time, then please explain why it takes them a whopping 88 minutes for Snake to change clothes and pick out a few God damn guns?! This is deduced by the next time we see the counter when Snake is entering the submarine at 8hr 8mins and 27secs. Let's move people! Time is of the essence. (And yes, when seeing "88 Minutes," I am immediately reminded of the classic Al Pacino film.) Finally, if the government knows they lied to Snake on what they infected him with... then why do they even have a computer system which audibly warns of a "Neurosystem Shutdown in one hour." I get the point of the actual countdown clock, but why waste an IT specialist's time in creating a computerized voice for a death that will never take place. I mean come on!! All the best Paul. Hope you're on the mend. - Pete the S-man
  15. pscudese

    Episode 153 - Escape from L.A.: LIVE!

    Continuing the discussion on ridiculous elements that should have been discussed prior to filming (like not forming a circle and having everyone shoot,) I'd like to understand in what world do Presidents bring their daughters to the Space Defense Lab? Was it National Father-Daughter Day? Also are we suppose to accept the fact that the "top secret prototype unit" is just laying out in the open for anyone to steal? And as for Utopia stealing it, you are telling me that she just walks out carrying the large briefcase which is clearly marked!? I mean, that is what she's holding on the plane when delivering her taped message. Finally, regarding the actual unit, it's about the size of a 1st Gen iPod. Why not just have Utopia palm it vs. carrying out the huge case? Argh! Sincerely, Pete the S-man
  16. pscudese

    Tammy & The T-Rex (1994)

    Now this film is trending on FaceBook. At first I wrote it off as fake news? Ha... but no... this exists! Besides starring the late/wonderful Paul Walker of F&F fame, there's also Denise Richards and the scene chewing Terry Kiser!!! And as mentioned by others above, the director is connected to HDTGM through two other films: Mac & Me and Mannequin 2
  17. pscudese

    Episode 148 - Vampire's Kiss: LIVE!

    Great episode and yes I too agree, I was stoked to hear the lovely Ms June Diane Raphael's voice. Now did anyone else find it strange that not a few minutes after meeting his perfect/fictional girlfriend, that both "she" and Cage get into a hardcore verbal altercation? The argument even covers the topic of bearing children and if Cage can do that now that he is a vampire. I mean she seemed fine with Cage being a rapist and murderer when he confessed to those crimes in the therapist's office. Why have an issue with being a vampire, especially since she is a straight up figment of his delusional mind.
  18. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    I literally laughed out loud on the subway, when the film revealed how covered Thomas Jane was after diving out of the way from the incoming snowmobile. From the time he made the decision that the person coming towards him was not really Jonsey, to the shot of the snowmobile flying by... was roughly a couple of seconds. The only way to get that much snow on him, is if Thomas Jane was laying still for multiple hours! Ha!
  19. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    I too was baffled, that during a blizzard, both Beaver and Jonesy are able to clearly communicate with the soldiers in the hovering helicopter. And when the film deposits that these guys can hear other's thoughts and communicate with them via telepathy.... wouldn't this be the right time to use this power? Who cares about the consequences, shit is going down and you need to get the "woodchuck turd" eating guy out of your house.
  20. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    But now I ask you this... If Duddit was an alien, why did he let the bullies get so far? Stripping him down to his underwear. Definitely got some hits on him. And about to make him eat dog shit. Transform and fuck those kids up!
  21. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    Based on that logic, we should call this film "Power Rangers: Secret of the Poop Alien."
  22. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    Ok. So a dreamcatcher is something that catches nightmares. That being said, can someone on this forum explain the connection it has to this film... let alone be the title?? During the 2nd flashback, we see the boys around a dreamcatcher they made. Duddits claims the center circle and the friends are represented by those circle around it. Great. This is represented a few moment later in the park, when they are trying to find the lost girl. They all stand around Duddits with a hand on him. But I ask you again... what meaning is meaning of a Dreamcatcher in this film? None of the events take place while they are sleeping. Hell... when the group discussed "IT," that book/film would be a better story under the Dreamcatcher title. You have a villain playing mind games with the heroes... almost causing walking nightmares. And you can't say it has something to do with Jonesy's mind vault. Those are memories; not dreams. So someone. Anyone. Please help me understand this.
  23. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    After the car accident, we follow Thomas Jane back to the cabin where he's talking to himself. He says, "Yesterday you want to call it quits, throw in the towel, pull the plug. Today, you'sre begging, praying. Couple more hours. Couple more miles. Make up your mind." So he's obviously talking about the time he almost shot himself in the head. But that happened 6 months ago, so it's either: 1) A continuity error in the film script; or 2) Every day, after his last session, the doc puts a gun to his head and almost pulls the trigger. Based on how insane this film is, I'd go with the latter.
  24. pscudese

    Episode 146 - Dreamcatcher

    God I loved some of the script choices they went with in this film. I can see this possibly working in the book, but for a present day film... WTF?! Here’s a list of some of my favorite things these actors had to memorize and say on film, thus existing forever: Jesus Christ bananas! Bitch in a buzz saw! I’ve had perfectly good fuckarees turn into fuckarows in a flash. What have you been eating, woodchuck turds? Criminettlies! Bullshit! He dropped a clinker! I heard it. This is turning into a double fuckarow. A real jobba-nobba. Stop your blatting, laddie-buck! Bite my bag, motherfucker! All right, Pete, I’ll bite. Your bag and everything else. Those poor schmucks. They drive Chevrolets, shop at Wal-Mart never miss an episode of Friends. These are Americans. And of course.... Fuck me, Freddy.
  25. pscudese

    Episode 144 - Stealth

    Not sure if this has been brought up yet, but... When we are first introduced to the shady government official, it is at the beginning of the film through a extreme wide shot of a typical DC govt office. The camera kind of pans over the office and then zooms in to a window where we see someone on a phone call. I took this as someone spying in on the conversation and thought this rogue individual or organization will eventually lead to the premise of the plane going haywire. Nope. Just a simple electrical storm. Much love to June and Paul during the hard time. All my best, Pete