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Everything posted by DanEngler

  1. DanEngler

    RIP Garry Marshall

    Paul wrote a lovely remembrance of Mr. Marshall for Vulture.
  2. DanEngler

    Episode 140.5 - Minisode 140.5

    If it's really an emergency, just antagonize a ghost into sliming you and then let fly. It's like peeing in the ocean; no one will know the difference.
  3. Seriously. And the crowd was more hyped to see Engineer Sam than either of their (excellent) guests.
  4. Under Shannon's benevolent guidance, we tend to use a light hand when moderating the forums. Deletion is used sparingly, and bans even more so. As much as I would love to muzzle everyone who comes here to insult guests, bemoan the existence of new shows for not catering to their specific interests, or generally act like children, I often exercise more patience than I would prefer. This is a very roundabout way of saying: all of the issues you called out have grated on my staunch feminist nerves but, because they fail to reach the nebulously defined bar of "unacceptable", I haven't had cause to delete them. I try to be proactive, but if you see anything that you feel crosses the line, please use the Report feature, as it gives me more ammunition/righteous indignation with which to act.
  5. And is totally unrecognizable.
  6. DanEngler

    Episode 84: RE-ANIMATOR

    It's unfortunately out of my hands, too. Invision Power (the company that makes the forum software) hasn't implemented a time limit for polls, despite having promised this feature to customers for a while.
  7. I'm listening to this episode again and, further deepening the mystery, Eban plays the Indiana Jones theme around 07:30, before the interview even happens! (Also, Eban's version of "Jesus Loves Me" ends with "B-O-L-O-G-N-A" from the Oscar Meyer jingle.)
  8. DanEngler

    Episode 247 - Marilyn Monroebot

    I can't believe no one made the . I also can't believe how much Nicole sounds like Matt's wife, Danielle. I kept forgetting it wasn't her, especially since Nicole was such a pro.
  9. DanEngler

    Blame it on the weed

    It's episode 193.5, and the Blame it On The Weed segment starts around 25:30.
  10. DanEngler

    Episode 139.5 - Minisode 139.5

    If the full episode doesn't come out on Friday, anyone with a Howl subscription should check out Eugene Cordero's relationship series You Know Me. Episode 5 features both Paul and June, and digs deeper into "special bunny", June's distrust of technology, and other HDTGM hits. This probably goes without saying, but Paul was also great on this week's episode of Doughboys.
  11. DanEngler

    Episode 139.5 - Minisode 139.5

    It highlighted three cities whose geographical center is Chicago, which is where I was born.
  12. DanEngler

    Episode 139.5 - Minisode 139.5

    I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but I think you've placed too much work into that. Ohh well.
  13. DanEngler

    Episode 139.5 - Minisode 139.5

    I noticed that Paul pronounces "Sbarro" like "sparrow", remaining faithful to his chosen faction in the Mario/Marry-o Civil War.
  14. Eban was so goddamned good on this episode. The jaunty emerging-from-car-crash tune! Fanfare for Car Crash Survivor! Hitting the whoosh-plink every time! #SPONTMVP
  15. At the end of last week's improv4humans, Lauren said they'll be recording more soon.
  16. DanEngler

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    I'm not sure how I'd rank the rest of the Avengers, but Black Widow definitely goes at the bottom of my list, because she can't have children and is therefore a disgusting monster.
  17. DanEngler

    Episode 84 - Kevin Pollak

    Leonard over the weekend, announcing that his site is being relaunched with a new group of contributors. I guess he now has sufficient staff in place to manage the podcast in-house.
  18. DanEngler

    Episode 430 - Man Veils

    #293 Monster Muscles (Plugs start around 1:14:00)
  19. DanEngler

    CBB Tour Shirt Artist

    Aaron Nestor, the incredibly talented dude who has designed almost all of Earwolf's merch and the logos for Earwolf podcasts.
  20. DanEngler

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    And a whole vanilla bean, which hasn't been split and scraped to remove the seeds (where most of the flavor lives), and which clearly wasn't used in the crème anglaise (or whatever-the-fuck that sauce is supposed to be.) That spun sugar Trump wig is period-appropriate, though.
  21. This episode goes off the rails almost immediately, and I love it. [adds "Help Me, Rhonda" merit badge to his Earwolf sash]
  22. DanEngler

    Episode 139 - Simply Irresistible

    Obviously, this movie exists in the same cinematic universe as The Devil's Advocate, wherein Satan grooms Keanu Reeves to sire the Antichrist. The crab is a red herring; Sarah Michelle Gellar has possessed latent Slayer cooking powers all along*, but her talent must be fostered by Heaven as Armageddon approaches. The final battle for the souls of mankind comes down to Kevin Lomax Jr.'s greasy silver-tongued lawyering versus Amanda Shelton's earnest lovecraft. * Inherited from her mother, whose family has been trying to raise Heaven's champion for 70 YEARS
  23. DanEngler

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    What's up, jerks! I updated the forum config this evening so youtu.be short URLs will now work in media tags, e.g. [media]https://youtu.be/FbICbeiGC_o[/media]
  24. DanEngler

    Episode 138.5 - Minisode 138.5

    For this post, Amy leapt up 10 spots in the secret Earwolf Forum Power Rankings. But perhaps I've said too much…
  25. DanEngler

    Episode 429 - Almost Mandatory

    It's a reference to both the Billy on The Street theme and the "people on streets" line from Queen & David Bowie's " ".