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Everything posted by DanEngler

  1. DanEngler

    Episode 95.5 β€” Minisode 95.5

    After the success of the Andy Daly Podcast Pilot Project, I think Earwolf is expanding their portfolio of limited-run, character-based shows. We know that a Wompler and Listler show is in the works, and Lauren Lapkus is doing something, so I'd guess this is Nick Kroll and Paul Scheer reprising their roles as The Stallone Bros.
  2. DanEngler

    Episode 177 β€” Foster Parenting

    The part where Mother returned out of the blue just killed me.
  3. Of the four people mentioned when they were debating who was deadβ€”Ben Vereen, Harry Belafonte, Robert Guillaume, and Al Jarreauβ€”ALL of them are apparently alive. In light of the NNF Curse*, however, listeners may wish to update their death pools now. * The opposite of the CBB Bump
  4. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    But if they do, I hope it's "The One Who Killed Somebody with Her Car" and "The One Famous for Banging The First One's Brother".
  5. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    PROTIP: If you aren't interested in participating in a conversation, the correct course of action is not to complain about people having the conversation.
  6. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    I was mostly in Naples, which is as much of an affluent right-wing echo chamber as man could hope to achieve without literal walls to keep undesirable elements out. The manufactured Swift Boat Scandal got a lot of play there, as no doubt did Benghazi. The two most popular pastimes in Naples are getting arrested for DUI and posting racist comments on Naples Daily News articles. Meanwhile, there is bonafide human trafficking and slave labor happening just outside the city to grow food for the rich people. They need a good Snowpiercering. Also, Florida is a 95Β° swamp filled with mosquitos and old people driving on the wrong side of the road.
  7. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    (Also Also: I lived in Florida for 16 years and I can confirm that it is in fact THE worst.)
  8. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    I haven't listened to the episode since its debut, but I came out feeling so gross that I probably overstated my case re: the batting of eyes. I don't think Paul, Jason, or June are bad people, and I understand that hosts tread a thin line when it comes to policing the language that guests use. That said, it still grates on me when a rapper drops a "no homo" on Get Up On This and it goes unremarked. (Conversely, it was incredible to hear the Sklars call Terrell Owens out on his "homosexuality is a choice" bullshit a few months back.) I don't presume to speak for Shariq but, since I read virtually every post on the forums, I will say this: His opinions are often based on observations of trends in the media and the world at large, and many of his civil attempts at discussing these issues are met with knee-jerk denials that they even exist. Imagine this sort of interaction compounded on an hourly basis and you might begin to understand his frustration. I like Shariq. Yes, he sometimes goes overboard with the hyperbole but, as with HDTGM, I think the Earwolf forums benefit from his perspective and the perspective of anyone else who doesn't meet the standard 18-34 Straight White Middle-Class Male demographic that dominates podcasting. Under the mighty Shannon's guidance, we try to maintain a welcoming community here and, compared to relentless fuckstorms like Reddit, I think we do pretty well. (Also: If the strongest opinion you hear about the black experience every day comes from Shariq, you're leading a pretty insular life.)
  9. DanEngler

    Episode 176 β€” Action Movies

    Aisha Tyler? [hands over mouth] YES!
  10. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    I haven't watched it but, based on this thread, every indication is that this movie is fucking garbage. However, any group that is woefully underrepresented in the media is far more likely to embrace a film (regardless of its quality) if it doesn't depict them as a punchline. Me, I'm just a Polack, and I'm still waiting for a film that honors our unfairly maligned submarine fleet.
  11. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    You realize you're saying this about a show where one of the guests referred to a black actor as "Blackie" for the duration of an episode and no one seemed to bat an eye, right? Suggesting that they get a black perspective on a controversial movie made by a black filmmaker with a primarily black cast marketed to a primarily black audience is pretty far from "so PC", bro.
  12. NICE. Well, it's Lesbian Facts and we're going downtown Going to Silver Lake now Everybody do your facts and trim your nails There's boots and denim and lack of males Get a drink at a club Then go walk in front of UCB Theater Lesbian Facts Don't have a diiick! Check out the facts, it's the Lesbian Facts (Bro!)
  13. DanEngler

    Episode 94.5 β€” Minisode 94.5

    I'm sure it was recorded days or weeks ago, but Baron Vaughn would be a great guest for this episode. His recent run on YITR was excellent, and he doesn't seem inclined to pull any punches.
  14. DanEngler

    Episode 200.5 β€” 10/03/14 TWO CHARTED 139

    Ramhanded AND fuckbotched, at the very least.
  15. DanEngler

    Episode 200.5 β€” 10/03/14 TWO CHARTED 139

    With Roadie Cody!
  16. DanEngler

    Episode 27 β€” The Wahlberg Solution

    Then you're in luck! Mark Wahlberg was on the most recent Doug Loves Movies and announced that they're recording a new episode on October 10.
  17. DanEngler

    Episode 200 β€” Dirt Salad

    According to the site, the live streams are still available for the next three weeks. Use offer code CHARTED for $5 off, Brett.
  18. DanEngler

    Episode 200 β€” Dirt Salad

    During the voice acting conversation, the name Howard was searching for was "Lord British" AKA Richard Garriott, one of the founders of Origin Systems, who created Wing Commander. Garriott's always been a bit of an oddball, so I can only imagine Howard's reaction when he went to a party at this place: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM109_EbMcs
  19. DanEngler

    Episode 175 β€” Reality TV

    Oh, Kyle is here? I was wondering if the sounds in this forum were being made with someone's body…
  20. DanEngler

    Episode 200 β€” Dirt Salad

    So, are they having Jon Glaser on next week to break off another hundo?
  21. DanEngler

    Episode 94 β€” Glitter: LIVE!

    I'm currently watching Deadwood, and they too brought back an actor in the second season that was prominent in the first. This really amped up the tension until I realized it was a bad casting choice rather than a twin brother/secret revenge plot line.
  22. DanEngler

    Episode 94 β€” Glitter: LIVE!

    A person who goes apoplectic in response to a perceived slight and engages in a series of abusive, totally disproportionate personal attacks? From Reddit? Inconceivable! #NotAllMen
  23. DanEngler

    Episode 199 β€” Freedom and Abandon

    I have never seen any indication that any of Earwolf's flagship shows have booked guests to try to appeal to any particular demographic. In this case, Howard is clearly a fan of Nova as a performer and a person, and Jensen is a friend with a project to promote.
  24. DanEngler

    Episode 199 β€” Freedom and Abandon

    Earwolf just announced on Facebook that Howard and Kulap are busy at LA Podfest, so episode #200 will be hosted by Armen Weitzman and Natasha Leggero, with special guest Steve-O.
  25. DanEngler

    Episode 312 β€” Grounded Me@

    My one hope is that, every time a future guest utters the word "facts", Scott replies with "The Hollywood Facts?"