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Posts posted by thestray

  1. Yeah I remember this from growing up and have been trying to find it for the longest time but I thought it was called "Freaks" instead of "Freaked". I remember liking it, but then again I was young and liked pretty much anything with creature effects and stuff like that. Definitely going to watch it again and see how I feel abut it as an adult.

  2. Eventhough the show is called COMEDY bang bang, I think it would be cool to have some people that are not strictly from comedy but are still funny charismatic people on the show. A few suggestions...


    Robert Kirkman (creator of The Walking Dead, writer of various comics).


    Scott Aukerman is obviously a big comic book nerd, so I think it would be cool to actually get someone from the world of comic books on the podcast, and I think Kirkman would be great, I've heard him in many podcasts and interviews and he's a funny guy and a good sport, and naturally yes ands jokes (check out any interview he's done on Nerdist with Chris Hardwick).


    Joss Whedon (Avengers, Firefly, Buffy, etc)


    That would be a good get I think. Funny witty intelligent guy helming one of the biggest franchises to ever exist. They could talk Avengers and Scott could show off his Marvel nerd cred.


    Pendelton Ward (creator of Adventure Time)


    Ward is just a really silly fun guy who doesn't take himself seriously, and I'm guessing the majority of CBB fans probably watch Adventure Time. He might be interesting to have on the podcast.


    Just a thought. If there's any worry that they might now be funny enough, just match them up with CBB MVP PFT co-hosting as one of his characters to make sure it's a hilarious episode no matter what. Mull it over Aukerman!

  3. I don't really know why anyone would expect us to listen to them talking about commercials they were in surrounded by commercials.


    Also its not free when we listen to commercials, we become your commodity that you sell to advertisers. Its becomes a business relationship at that point. Its not like you are coming down and granting us free entertainment because you are making advertising money because we agree to listen.


    You aren't doing us a favor by making it and putitng commercials all over it, we are doing you a favor by listening to your crappy show and being consumers you can sell advertising too.


    So the way you guys in every podcast (nerdist too) keep framining this relationship as you giving out free shit out of the goodness of your heart. And because of that we should like it or fuck off is bullshit because thats not what is happening and doesn't really take into account the way the relationship has changed since the inception of many of these podcasts.


    Its getting kinda absurd but not the good kind of absurd.


    Love it! Righteous indignation over trivial perceived slights are always fun to read! We should all take a moment to appreciate how good we have it to live in a time and place where it is possible for someone to not only complain but sound so irate and bitter about the fact that the free podcast that they chose to listen to has a few minutes of advertisements in them. That's where we're at in society, and that's a beautiful thing. We live in a golden age!

    • Like 4

  4. The big mystery for me is WHY was he greased up before he was set free? Why was that a thing that needed to be done to hunt this guy? Who's job was it to grease up an unconscious Mike Danton? Was a person designated? Did someone volunteer? Was it it a rock paper scissors situation?


    The guy they hunt in the beginning is fully clothed, why did they suddenly decide that the way to kick this up a notch is to strip their next victim half naked? If their objective is to train to be a mercenary team for real life situations, why does hunting a greased up guy in short shorts sharpen their skills? What the fuck kind of missions is this equipping them to carry out?

  5. I guess because he'd been around in cinema for a while and technically was the biggest "name" in the film.


    The dad and the wife are grade A dummies in this film. Her husband gets kidnapped and instead of calling the cops she figures she's just going to call her old ass dad and let him handle this because he's an ex-cop or whatever, and he also decides it'd be better fo not get police involved. This is a job for the police, not one solitary senior citizen!


    Also, if you know the bad guys know where you live, maybe don't stay home alone.

  6. I just don't like Ryan Gosling.



    I feel like people have formed this opinion of Ryan Gosling based on like maybe one or two performances. But if you look at his whole career I think he's showed plenty of range. I think they were going for a specific thing in Drive, and he nailed it. I don't think an actor has to be super emotive in any given role, because people in life aren't always super emotive either.


    I mean yeah, he has kind of a funny voice, but what can he do about that? Haha.

  7. I think the biggest problem with this movie is not that it was such a bad story on its face, but that it shat all over characters they'd spent 2 movies getting us to like. Cyclops gets killed off screen (off screen!), Jean isn't herself 3/4 of the story, Professor X turns into a major douchebag, Mystique gets sidelined like 20 minutes in...and it's all done in favor of characters we don't give 2 craps about, like Juggernaut, Angel, Psylocke, Callisto, etc.


    I also felt like this movie wasn't as horrible as people made it out to be. It definitely had major flaws, but there was a bunch of stuff I liked too. I don't have a problem with how Jean or Xavier were handled. I do dislike how they mishandled Cyclops' character in all of the movies and then killed him, I'm a big fan of Cyclops. As a nerd I have problems with the whole X-Men franchise in general, I think they could've made much cooler movies if they were more reverent to the source material, but I don't think the 3rd one was that much worse than the other 2, personally.

    • Like 1

  8. I don't think Tyler Perry's movies are Birdemic quality, but really, what is? I do think though that they're as shitty or worse as many other things that have been featured on the podcast. They're dumb movies, but so are lots of other mainstream films. I personally don't have a problem with the fact that Tyler Perry movies exist or that they're popular, because a lot of dumb things rise to the top, that's just how it works regardless of race.


    What I do kinda have a problem with is there's Tyler Perry movies and pretty much not too much else for black audiences. There's no black Michel Gondry or black Wes Anderson or black Paul Thomas Anderson or black Judd Apatow or black JJ Abrams, and so on and so forth. I know Tyler Perry is not the only black filmmaker in Hollywood, but when you see a movie with an all black cast 90% of the time it's a Tyler Perry movie, and his movies suck. I certainly don't blame him for racism, and I don't think he has any sort of responsibility to make better films, but he does make terrible movies that are fun to make fun of because of their terribleness.

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