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Posts posted by thestray

  1. I think this movie's been mentioned a couple times in other threads, but it deserves a thread of it's own.


    An evil Colonel recruits mercenaries teams for hire, and trains them by making them kidnap random dudes, let them loose in the forest, and hunt them down and kill them. During one of their routine kidnappings they randomly pick out Mike Danton. They take Mike's shirt and shoes (and apparently oil him up by the looks of it) before setting him free, but much to their chagrin they find out that Mike Danton is an unstoppable killing machine!


    I don't know if HDTGM would every do this obscure 80's movie, but I recommend checking it out if you terrible 80's action movies.



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  2. Spike Lee has been doing that for ages, but without the same success as Perry.


    Spike Lee was making movies of some substance I think, even when they weren't so great they were about issues and themes that were challenging in some way. But Tyler Perry stuff is just really pandering, which I think sells tickets better typically.

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  3. Speaking of that though, they actually DO (or at least used to) dub movies over there in their OWN language, which is kinda crazy. I mean, we expect the dubbing to be pretty bad when it's dubbed into OTHER languages, but it turns out it isn't so great in the first place either.


    To the best of my knowledge that was actually a common practice in Hong Kong filmmaking up until somewhere around the 90's I think, because it was more cost-effective and practical for them, plus often some actors that didn't speak the proper dialect or had a very different accent because they were from somewhere else, and they wanted it to be more uniform.

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    The entire ordeal looks totes ridic... which is sad because I like Charlie Day. But giant robots boxing low-grade Godzillas in the middle of a crowded city, using what appears to be a 1900s steam powered ocean liner as a baseball bat.. sounds great for an anime, less so for a live action Michael Bay-esque affair.


    See, what you just described is what would make me say "I'm sold!" Maybe the kid in me just never died, but I just eat that shit up. I think the Michael Bay comparisons are unfair though, just because he directed the Transformers movies doesn't mean he invented big robots.

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    Definitely, and I was thinking cult movie as this movie, with almost zero marketing and shit reviews, still somehow made almost 30 million dollars in theaters, and movies have made much less and become cult films.


    Movies have made much less and become cult films, but that's usually because they're good, so bad they're good, or memorable in some way amongst like-minded people. It doesn't matter if $30 million worth of people went to see a movie if they mostly leave hating it. You know? You don't gain a following by just being a bad movie nobody likes.

  6. I forgot to mention the store owner being a conspiracy theorist who thought the government was responsible for the sharknados. I kinda just love the idea of corrupt government officials in a secret meeting and one of them goes "I think I know a way for us to all get what we want... we'll destroy LA with shark-filled tornados!"


    Also -- do liquor stores in Los Angeles stock toiletries and stuff? Is that actually a thing or just this movie?


    Last time we visited some family in LA, we drove through the "Little Japan"(?) part of the city and there was a Family Mart there. Typical conveni but they stock some Japanese snacks and such. I grabbed some Umeboshi candy. Not sure why it randomly appeared in this movie.


    Yup, you can get basic toiletries at the liqour store in LA. The "liqour store" is really just a convenience store here.


    It's called Little Tokyo.


    Anyway, on to this crazy movie.


    - Anybody else a little skeeved out when John Heard's character tries to cop a feel on Nova?


    - When the shark crashes through the bar window there's a busty blonde in the white bikini who apparently falls down and forget how legs worth because she can't seem to figure out how to get up. Same for Nova, on the dock she falls down and there's a shark at her feet and she also can't seem to just get up and run away. Which leads me to one of my favorite parts...


    - John Heard saves nova by smacking a shark with a bartstool! I can't believe they never mentioned that in the podcast.


    - Why the fuck was that lady's dog stuck in the car in the first place? During a storm she got out of her cart, left the keys in, and locked the door?


    - When John Heard is chomped on by a shark, from off screen he yells "OW!" To me, this was the most hilarious moment of the movie. Ow? A shark is tearing you apart and you yell "Ow!"? Priceless.


    - A shark lands on their truck and for some reason doesn't just slip off how I'd imagine a wet shark normally would if it was on top of a speeding flat surface.


    - Fin shows no emotion at all when he learns Nova has died. "Where's Nova?" "She didn't make it." "Go with your mom blah blah blah." He doesn't not give him pause AT ALL to learn that she's dead. Is that because he knew he'd just coincidentally find her in a shark's belly minutes later?


    - Bus driver getting killed by one of the letters from the Hollywood sign, come on HDTGM, you're not going to mention that at all?


    Sharknado was a lot of fun. Did not disappoint.

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  8. After John Heard saves the dog and is standing around like an idiot and a shark leaps out of the water and clamps on to his neck area, from offscreen he yells... "OW!" I don't know about everyone else but I found that absurd and couldn't stop laughing. "Ow!" is something you say when you stub your toe or get a paper cut, not what you say when a SHARK IS TEARING YOU APART!

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  9. When I think "cult following" I think films that weren't commercial hits but have a sizable contingent of loyal passionate fans, and I don't think Uwe Boll films or those spoof movies really have that, there are people with bad taste who like those films but they're not really a cult following, are they? I don't think Movie 43 will have any sort of following because out of the very few people who saw it, the sheer majority thought it was awful. Most cult movies have some kind of merit or there's something really memorable about them. But this is a movie that almost nobody saw or liked, and the only reason it's even being remembered and discussed right now is because this is a forum about shitty movies. So, agree to disagree I guess. I don't think this movie has any sort of significant following in it's future. Maybe I'm wrong and you're right though, these types of things are often unpredictable.

  10. I just saw it today and it's not as bad as many people have been saying. I'm not saying it will be a classic but will definitely have a cult following. Most people were commenting on all of the crap humor that was supposed to be rampant but outside of the one sketch with Anna Farris wanting someone to crap on her, there were about four other fart jokes in the whole movie. This movie is unfortunately stuck in the land of previous shitty parody movies like anything made after Scary Movie 2 where pop culture references are shoe horned in just because, and that inAPPropriate Movie from the Shamwow guy that is offensive without no reason for being so outside of being offensive.


    Yes this movie does push the envelope when it can but it does so without being too on the nose for the most part. Skits like the game of Truth or Dare with Halle Berry and the parents that homeschool their kid giving him a full high school experience are great while things like the skit with Emma Stone and or Jason Sudeikis as Batman just oversold everything.


    I would be so very surprised and confused if this movie had anything close to a cult following. It had a handful of chuckle worthy moments but it was overall just painfully unfunny to the point where I just felt kind of secondhand embarrassment for everybody involved. I honestly think this movie is simply just going to fade into obscurity.

  11. The word Tonto is a derogatory word it's self. look at it like this if you call a native American Tonto and odds are your going to get sand in your face, to put it lightly. so think how a native person would see Tonto as a character. Your not going to have a lot of native American's at your casting call. it's like if you had taken that al jolson movie and wanted to hire a African American to play his role in the film rather then some white guy so that you don't upset African American's. you think your going to get a lot of African American's at the casting call? it's not fucking likely. it's a racist character and you can clean it up and get a good director and do all the rewrites but it doesn't matter. Your going to upset people no matter what do you.


    It may make us white folk feel good to see a native American playing Tonto but your still going to upset Native American's who find that character offensive all together. it's like the drug store Indian.


    I think Disney was clearly trying to play it safe with this movie.


    I mean... I feel like maybe you just lack a little bit of imagination. He wouldn't even need to be called Tonto, they could totally reinvent him, Hollywood has done far more drastic things in the past with source material. Maybe "Tonto" could be something the racist bad guys call him because they think a Native American is inferior and dumb, which the character could prove wrong. I mean, "hey, somebody's gonna be mad no matter what" is the laziest weakest excuse to not even TRY to make something not be racist. We can do practically ANYTHING in movies in 2013, but for some reason it is just not feasible that we can make a portrayal of a Native American character NOT be racist? Like... what? The character is Native American and The Lone Ranger's partner, that's all you need and there's nothing fundamentally racist about that.

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  12. I REALLY can't believe I have to defend this, but did you watch the same movie? It wasn't two men in a swimming pool, it was more of Justin Cone's character being in that pool with the character. I don't know if it's his line reads, the fact that we first see him in tight jeans shorts, the director's previous work on soft-gay porn where people say scenes like this (shirtless men doing nothing) are common, or the fact that he has no chemistry whatsoever with his love interest, but when the other son began to teach him how to swim, I honestly felt like I wouldn't shock me if he suddenly fell in love with the other son. I mean, he was having a BLAST with that guy compared to his girlfriend.


    I did watch the same movie, and I was waiting for the much talked about gay undercurrent, and when the pool scene came I was like oh boy, here it comes, but nothing even remotely homosexual happened.


    What I got from his interaction with the girl is that he was the typical nervous around girls type of nerd. Plus he was embarrassed about not being able to swim.

    I didn't think there was anything unusual about the fact that he got along better with the guy, I think it's pretty typical that awkward guys are more relaxed around another guy than they are with a pretty girl.

    There's nothing gay to me about 2 guys getting along, or one teaching the other to swim.


    As for related films, I don't see how it makes sense to say this film has gay undertones because of what's in some other films.

  13. the character Tonto is a racist character to begin with so it doesn't matter who you get to play him. your going to step on peoples feet no matter what you do.



    I feel like, how hard could it actually be to have an actual Native American person play a Native American character and write that character to not be a racist stereotype? Hollywood is very good at taking properties and changing things about them to fit whatever their whims and sensibilities are, often drastically so, why can't it take what was a racist character and subvert everything that was racist about it? I think it's just not their prerogative.

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  14. Watched the whole thing. I was waiting for the insanity, but it just seemed more dumb than anything. With the way it was talked about I guess I expected more to be happening than just a series of really terribly written poorly acted interactions and cat voice-overs. It has some amusing wtf moments, I can't say I didn't chuckle here and there... but it just didn't live up to the hyperbole of the forum for me, it didn't blow my mind the way Birdemic did or anything. I wouldn't recommend it to someone as something they "need" to see like I would many other b-movies. That being said I wouldn't mind a HDTGM episode, I'm sure Paul, June, and Jason ripping this apart would be amusing.


    I also don't see the "homoerotic undercurrent" at all?

  15. If I were going to be offended by something it wouldn't be about differing views of this movie, haha.


    Like I said, maybe there were a few factors that prevented me from enjoying this movie,

    -we'd watched 2 really entertaining fast-paced movies before this (Samurai Cop, Miami Connection)

    -it was late and we were getting tired

    -the posts in this forum maybe hyped it up too much for me, I kinda expected more

    -and honestly I think we just didn't have the patience at the time


    If I watch again under better circumstances we'll see if I find it less of a chore.
