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Posts posted by thestray

  1. I guess this movie was made because Who Framed Roger Rabbit became a huge hit. Also, the studio probably thought that it could cash in on the Michael Jordan fever via this movie. Honestly, it worked in parts.


    Roger Rabbit came out in the late 80's and Space Jam came out in the late 90's,

  2. If this was the only type of episode CBB was going to be doing, I would feel the need to complain, but since it's just a once in a while thing it doesn't really bother me at all. I thought it was an enjoyable light-hearted interview. I laughed a lot.


    There's an episode every week, and the multi-guest/character format doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so I don't know why people are so critical of this kinda once in a while thing.

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  3. I think a good HDTGM is not just any movie you disliked, but something that will provide the podcast with an hour plus of fodder for amusing conversation. Drive, love it or hate it, I don't think there's a lot funny to say about it.

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  4. That's assuming they even bother to watch them. I don't think even the talent involved bothered to check out total shit stains like "Delgo" or "Doogal". Jon Stewart DID talk about "Doogal" on the Daily Show once or twice though when talking about his less-than-prestigious film career. Funny stuff.


    I don't think they go and watch the movie, but I have to think that at some point they at least see a trailer or promotional art or something and then realize it's not the quality animation they were probably imagining in their heads. You're probably right though, someone like Charlie Sheen probably doesn't even remember doing this job the day after.

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  5. My favorite thing about really shitty animated movies is imagining the actors' reactions when they see the finished product. Because they likely had NO idea it was going to look like this. I'm sure they were all in those recording booths thinking they're lending their voices to a Pixar/Dreamworks level production. Then it turns out to be this hideous garbage.

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  6. But about Van Helsing...if we can't make fun of the exploding carriage scene, then why does this forum exist?


    People can make fun of whatever they want, I was just saying you missed a part of that scene that invalidates what you thought was funny about it. Which is not a dig on you or anything, because it's easy to miss that kinda stuff in these poorly written poorly edited movies. This movie is a garbage fest that does a piss-poor job at being coherent.


    Hmm, I considered this possibility that he secretly planted explosives in the carriage beforehand, but then when I watched the sequence play out on screen I decided that somehow anticipating that crazy sequence of events would be even more absurd than wood spontaneously exploding.


    And as for Iron Man 3, I'm not saying they didn't try to explain it, I'm just saying it's stupid. If it was due to overheating, it would reach a temperature that causes flames long before going up in a blast like that, and if it was due to being unstable, as in nuclear decay, there would be incredible amounts of radiation being given off by these plants/people, which is never an issue in the movie. Not to mention, the odds of such a contained fission reaction that the people nearby merely end up with some cartoon-like black soot on their faces is pretty low...


    I don't know, I don't think it's so absurd that they knew the bad guys would be on their tail so they set a trap. *shrug* I mean, I just think of all the things that occur in that movie, planting some explosives in a carriage seems to probably be the least weird thing that happened.


    As for Iron Man 3, I think you're mixing up the science of things you understand with the fake science of things that don't exist. I don't think it's so much "stupid" as it is just fictional. There's no such thing as Extremis, it's fictional super science created by fictional super scientists, of course it's going to behave in ways that defy the conventions of established real science, that's kind of the point, it's science fiction. You can't have guys flying around in suits of armors and super powered humans who breath fire without taking some liberties with science. More importantly the explosion illustrated a point, that this stuff makes organic things explode, which was the crux of the movie, and provided a humorous scene.


    I love sci-fi but I think often people get too wrapped up in the sci part and forget the fi part.

  8. YES! Oh man, oh man, this movie was great.


    I turned it on the other day with my cousin right during the chase scene between the flying vamp-hags and the horse-drawn carriage. Then the horse-drawn carriage falls off a cliff and my cousin goes "There's no way this carriage is gonna explode, right? Please explode! Please explode! PLEEEASE..." Needless to say, Van Helsing did not disappoint. Oh boy that wooden carriage (with no explosives in it, mind you) went up like a damned mushroom cloud. Cuz, you know...physics.


    I wish I was a fly on the wall when that scene was filmed. I like to imagine it went like this:


    Studio executive: "What the fuck is this? That wagon barely even made a bang when it hit the ground. I didn't see a single fucking flame."


    Screenwriter (or director): "Well yes, Mr. Grossman, that's because wood doesn't explode spontaneously when it hits the ground."




    I also imagine that's roughly the same way the plant leaf ended up exploding in the beginning of Iron Man 3.


    Hate to be a party pooper, but there actually were explosives in that carriage, the carriage was a decoy with explosives in it.


    As for Iron Man 3 that was also explained in the movie, it was grown with some experimental unstable form of extremis.



    Yeah, that was a bit much...


    Have you seen "The Master"? After looking at that, I sort of wish I had no scruples because I can weave a good tale and have an active imagination. I could at least get 10 cult followers and pay off my student loans.


    We should join forces, with your tale-weaving and imagination and my complete lack of scruples, together we can rule the world!

  10. I haven't seen this since I was very young, and I remember liking it, bu

    remember liking it when it came out, but I had bad taste before I turned 18 (and even then...) I kind of need to rewatch it.




    Same. I feel like I liked pretty much anything with special effects makeup and prosthetics. I just liked looking at the animal people. I'd definitely revisit this film as an adult if they did an episode on it.

  11. is there such a thing as a good Jean Claude Van Damme.movie?


    It depends on how you define good?


    I think a huge chunk of his films succeed at being super entertaining and engaging. I would say yes, he's made a bunch of good movies.

  12. This is one of my favorite zombie movies. I had it on vhs when I was in highschool and watched it all the time because it had zombies, a really hot naked chick, and some really bizarre moments that I found hilarious.


    I rented it thinking it was going to be a straight forward horror movie but it just gets progressively weirder and surreal. Movies like this kinda make me miss the days of renting movies with not much to go on besides the front and back of the cover. I feel like it's rare now to go into a movie with no idea what to expect.


    I like this movie, I think it's a good movie, but I think there's enough crazy for them to talk about in an episode. If nothing else though I just want to recommend it to people who haven't seen it.



  13. God damn you guys. I had no intention of seeing this movie, but the more people say DON'T see it, the more curious I become. It's something I can't help. It's like when people say don't look down in movies. I gotta look down! AAAAAHHHH I'M FALLING TO MY DEATH NOOOOWWW!


    Will Smith is legitimately one of my favorite actors, I guess the goodwill of Fresh Prince, Independence Day, etc will never really wear off for me, and I'll also never not respect him for being a black man who managed to make himself one of the biggest movie stars ever. I think unfortunately the same thing that made him a big star; choosing movies he thinks follow a pattern, is what's now killing that career. He needs to take more risks, be a little less calculated, and start picking films more for how good the scripts are and not for how prominent his part will be and what trends the movie follows. Get it together Will!

  14. The reveal of Super son really bothered me, because given Superman and Lois' interactions in the movie I don't believe for a second they could've ever possibly had sex. Is it just me or did they just not have the chemistry or familiarity of past lovers AT ALL? They seem like old acquaintances at best.


    But the film was also just disappointing because most of the Superman action consisted of Superman lifting or catching things. The coolest part of the movie is in the trailer, when a bullet crushes against his eyeball. I don't think the movie is as terrible as people make it out to be, it's mainly just a really dull film, and when you go to a Superman movie you expect to have at least a little fun and excitement.


    I know there are some detractors when it comes to Man of Steel, and who knows if it'll be any good, and I agree we don't need to see the origin story of a character practically the entire world knows the origin of, but it looks like it'll at least be a fun popcorn flick. A "CGI crazy whizbang summer blockbuster" is precisely what I hope it'll be.

  15. Ohhhh shiiiit. Thanks for suggesting this one because I had totally forgot about it. I had this on VHS when I was maybe around 13, and I think this might actually be my first "so bad it's good" film ever, because I remember thinking it was really stupid but watching it over and over anyway because it made me laugh.


    To the best of my recollection it was about a "gang" of kids who do good deeds in the neighborhood. Helping old ladies and stuff like that. One day their leader moves away, and years later he returns as a bad kid who's gotten mixed up with a REAL gang... The Blades.

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    If I were Matt, I would be most hurt that with all the people standing up for Matt and against "unnecessary snark" nobody is standing up for Freak Dance. Implicitly agreeing with me about Freak Dance while also agreeing with Matt's assessment of his career esteem not being able to withstand snark.


    Why are you still trying to illicit a conversation about Freakdance? Nobody asked you how you felt about Freakdance. Nobody cares how you feel about Freakdance. Freakdance was not a topic of discussion. Just because you feel like talking about how much you hate Freakdance doesn't mean anybody is obligated to indulge in your bullshit discussion. That's the conversation YOU want to have, Freakdance is not the pressing issue here though, the pressing issue is why is some dude being an asshole for no good reason.


    Can you understand how you're being an asshole? You came here and out of the blue took an unprovoked jab at something someone put work into and is proud off. Can you not see how that is an extremely dickish thing to do? Honestly, when else is that kind of behavior acceptable or even defensible? Seriously, what kind of shit is that? Who raised you?


    Serious question, do you have some kind of neurological disorder? Because autism seems like the only GOOD explanation for your actions, this would all make sense if you just have trouble understanding how to interact with people.

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