I have been having problems downloading Earwolf podcasts via iTunes on my iPhone since Friday.
I was able to download podcasts through last Thursday (improv4humans), but could not get Who Charted?, Totally Laime, or Sklarboro Country on Friday. I could not download CBB yesterday, but was able to get Professor Blastoff, HDTGM, and the new i4h today. I tried the shows I could not download again this morning and they still don't work, so there is still some sort of problem.
Each time I am in iTunes on my iPhone for an Earwolf podcast, it keeps locking up (many variations - cannot scroll or tap, images and buttons won't appear) and shutting down. I have been able to download all of my other podcasts (WTF, MaxFun, etc) on my iPhone - the problem has been specific to Earwolf shows.
Obviously I can use the app to stream shows when I am near a wi-fi connection, but I can't use that option all of the time. Is there any chance of a 'download' function on the app in the future so that I am not dependent on iTunes?