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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. "Bakery is, they're just bread candies."
  2. Kickpuncher

    24 - Songs of Experience

    Far too few sub-podcasts, but other than that, a solid C+, bro.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 21 - Paul Scheer - Spotlight On: Mr. Casey Steers

    Welcome back, Wompsters! Scheer is great at playing creeps.
  4. Man, "Welcome to D.M. Slider's" really set the tone for this one. The rhyming gimmick was a gift that kept on giving.
  5. Kickpuncher

    Episode 522 - Charlie's Bucket List

    Super fun ep!
  6. Kickpuncher

    Episode 3 - Cartoons

    I love how you were right, but your memory apparently invented this part. Perfectly fits the spirit of this podcast.
  7. That 'Japanese' Bond really is something.
  8. Kickpuncher

    Episode 4 - Lauren Ash

    "...knick-knacks." "Knick-knack paddy whack, give that dog a bone!" "You're the world's biggest idiot."
  9. Kickpuncher

    Episode 3 - Cartoons

    This is so completely unhinged from the get-go (including the ads), it's amazing. I love how they alternate between moments of getting completely lost in the moment and then having moments of self-awareness where they talk about how insane it all is. (Also, how can you talk about Arthur without mentioning the fist meme?)
  10. Kickpuncher

    Episode 86 - Barack Obama Is On Tinder (w/ Colton Dunn)

    Holy shit, the section about Corey Booker, Ving Rhames, and Michael Clarke Duncan absolutely killed me.
  11. Kickpuncher

    Episode 520 - Dead Body Rap

    I liked how it was both bad AND inconsistent.
  12. That Mario song was amazing. I don't know if Eban meant to do it, but the opening piano riff was definitely the secondary theme from Super Mario Bros.
  13. Kickpuncher

    Episode 521 - Bing Bong Goodbye

    Todd was hitting Wompler-like levels of age-inappropriate references, so basically this was a perfect extended plug for Raised by TV.
  14. Kickpuncher

    Episode 050: Indiana Jonesing with Paul Rust

    "All the President's Mensies" DEFINITELY would have been a short on Funny or Die if Hillary had won.
  15. Kickpuncher

    Episode 317 - Sing A Long Experiment #3

    Hello, Mr. Aukerman. When Scott was playing a ghost watching TV and he threatened to kill a cockroach, I thought the joke was going to be that he was watching The Cosby Show.
  16. Kickpuncher

    Episode 363 - The Shamanic Approach

    Louis whipped it out Louis whipped it out Louis whipped his hog out Louis whipped it out
  17. Kickpuncher

    Episode 3 - Zach Galifianakis

    Zach is the best.
  18. Kickpuncher

    Episode 2 - Game Shows

    I can already tell that the "Barbecue sauce" at the end of the theme song is going to catch me by surprise and make me laugh every week.
  19. Double Tart Monday! My radio is turned WAY the fuck down.
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 519 - Law O Ver Everything

    CHIIIEEEF!!! Great ep. Scott muttering about his questions for John that he needed to eliminate was phenomenal.
  21. TURN DOWN YOUR RADIOS! Great ep, loved the recurring "Geocities" debate and the Edible Arrangements scene/song.
  22. This was incredible. Great ep!
  23. Kickpuncher

    Episode 517 - Aha Moments with The National

    Either that or no one cared enough to derail the podcast by correcting him.
  24. Kickpuncher

    Episode 1 - The First One

    I think the whole vibe of bouncing around and half-remembering things and openly wondering whether something was real or not is a big part of why this is so fun. But yeah, it will probably eventually get to the point where they start doing a whole episode on one specific episode or something, in which case it would make sense. It kind of feels like the possibilities are endless. Exciting!
  25. Kickpuncher

    Episode 362 - Halt and I'll Type You

    Jess really cemented her status as a Hall of Fame Whooch guest. Amazing ep. #GoFYourOwnFace