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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Kickpuncher

    Episode 145.5 β€” TWO CHARTED 84

    What? It seems like the exact opposite is true. You can do a bunch of big cities on the East Coast without ever having to drive more than 2-3 hours. Live VPN Whooch with Jason Mantzoukas should be NEXT LEVEL BONKERS.
  2. So close (in both ways) to my dream of a 100th episode with the UCB Four. I read about Michael's group in an interview Matt did about the book, and that was really awesome that he got to perform here (in addition, if I understood correctly, to the whole group getting to perform at DCM). Not completely embarrassing yourself seems like a reasonable goal given the circumstances, so getting a few genuine laughs from the crowd was amazing. LOVED the Mt. Everest scene and Amy's angel character.
  3. It seems like Cameron's comedy career is (deservedly) going really well, but it's nice to know that if that ever takes a downturn, she has the fallback option of becoming a Paget Brewster sound-alike (starring as Lady Croyle in Exciting Action Time). Really good episode with a nice mix of clips and a not-too-interview-sounding interview.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 145 β€” It’s Pronounced Jerry

    When Jenny started talking about being constipated, did anyone notice that Howard almost dropped a "Jesus, Kulap!" on her?
  5. Kickpuncher

    Episode 145 β€” It’s Pronounced Jerry

    That whole movie exchange really drove home the idea that Jenny is almost like a female Howard (She-Wie?). Like everyone else has said, Jenny is so funny and cool, and the vibe between everyone was great here. I liked the new music theme, but it was a little too similar to the movie theme, lyrically/thematically speaking. If he can even do a new one every week for a month, I'll be super impressed.
  6. Awesome episode. I didn't watch the live show and it took a while for me to catch on that this was it. I thought all the (non-Eric) interviews were good.
  7. Kickpuncher

    Episode 71 β€” The Glimmer Man

    To clarify - I wasn't questioning why BoD was in English. In it, there are a handful of times where you see scenes from the movie being shot, and those scenes are being performed in English. (And not just the original version with Jason Robards and Mick Jagger, which seemed vastly inferior based on that small sample.) Thanks, that makes sense.
  8. Kickpuncher

    Episode 71 β€” The Glimmer Man

    Yeah, My Best Fiend is also fantastic. I didn't mention it because it isn't about making one movie, but there is definitely a lot of behind-the-scenes footage along with the more general Kinski-focused stuff. Side note - One thing I never understood is why Burden of Dreams and My Best Fiend share a lot of footage from the Fitzcarraldo shoot even though they're done by different directors. Also, in Burden of Dreams, it seems like they're shooting the movie in English rather than German.
  9. Kickpuncher

    Episode 71 β€” The Glimmer Man

    Another good making-of documentary: "Burden of Dreams", about the making of Werner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo. And yes, my viewing of both of these was 90% PFT-inspired, and I'm grateful for it.
  10. Kickpuncher

    Episode 243 β€” Blow Me Up, Tom!

    It's cool, but apparently she didn't get the blue and white short-sleeved plaid shirt memo.
  11. Kickpuncher

    Episode 243 β€” Blow Me Up, Tom!

    I love how James/Leykis just keeps saying these filthy things (which are some combination of genuinely funny and appropriately-disgusting-for-the-character funny) and Scott tries to rein him in. I'm sure they didn't plan anything with Maria, but her going along with it and sort of being on Leykis's side was a really funny, unexpected contrast to the (equally great) route that Amy Poehler took with him. Also, the brief part where Scott was also doing Leykis was kind of amazing.
  12. Kickpuncher

    Episode 144.5 β€” TWO CHARTED 83

    This episode was a perfect one-hour distillation of the magical chemistry between Howard and Kulap. Is that what it was? I thought Howard said something stupid, and Ramhand called him on it, so Howard essentially meant "I shouldn't be having kids [because I'm stupid], and you're reminding me of that." I was thinking the same thing. Kulap did post a photo of the mugs on Twitter shortly after you posted that in case you didn't see it yet.
  13. Finding that out a few months ago made me mildly interested in it. I've seen 4 episodes(?) of Sherlock, and I think it;s really good, but I guess I don't like it enough that I feel motivated to watch it more frequently than once every few months.
  14. You should fix that immediately. I think the worst thing is the 'similar' movies they suggest when you add something to your queue. It's often just a bunch of movies that also feature one of the lead actors, with no other similarities at all.
  15. That was actually the one clip that I was most hoping/expecting to be on when Jake said there would be a Best Of, and it wasn't. But there was enough great stuff that I totally forgot about it until seeing it mentioned here.
  16. Kickpuncher

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    If I understand Howard's definitions from earlier this year, it's still Summer until ~9/22, so I'll try to keep enjoying it even if Summah is over.
  17. Kickpuncher


    A CLASSIC from the Lee files.
  18. Kickpuncher

    HAVIN' A SUMMAH 2013!

    I don't know about you guys, but I'm already pretty fucking tired of this Non-Summah.
  19. Kickpuncher

    Episode 144 β€” Voice Rolls

    Poor Biscotti, just when they finally acknowledge that he wrote Shark Tale, they completely short-change Bat Dance and don't even mention that it's his favorite song. On a more serious note related to that chart, I was surprised that it didn't include "Kiss From a Rose", but I guess that would be because it wasn't "about Batman" even though it was on a Batman movie soundtrack.
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 97 β€” LIVE from DCM 15 Pt. 2

    The "Fuck me" story was INCREDIBLE. Good stuff all around.
  21. Great recap of a great year. The clips fittingly included two quotes which perfectly sum up Jake's sense of humor in my mind: "Huey Lewis isn't very punk, but The News is punk as fuck." "Fuck 9/11, this is important!"
  22. Kickpuncher

    Episode 144 β€” Voice Rolls

    Fantastic episode. Loved having the team back together, and Grey was such a great guest. Also, that Audible ad (I think that was the one) was next level bonkers.
  23. Kickpuncher

    Episode 70.5 β€” Minisode 70.5

    What if the guest was Dan Van Kirk as Seagal? (Answer - It would probably kind of suck. But still.)
  24. Kickpuncher

    Episode 120 β€” Live from Portland / Law

    Despite the crowd, I think this was in the upper half of live episodes because the hosts really brought it. Lots of great bits and they rolled with the punches well.
  25. Kickpuncher

    Comedy Bang Bang Season 2 Thread

    The make-up sketch from this week's episode might have been my favorite of the season.