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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Kickpuncher

    Episode 353 - I'm Above Jamming

    "Kaiju the Pig" is an all-timer.
  2. Great ep which is at least 50% funnier if you pretend that the guest is aspiring improviser Mark Hard.
  3. The Bebe Neuwirth/Bebe's Kids discussion was amazing, although it's weird that no one seemed to know that Lilith wasn't regularly on 'Frasier'.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 352 - Where's Your Coccyx, Bro?

    Alt title - Bonus Orphans
  5. Welcome aboard! I get the sense that this show isn't very popular, which is a shame because it's one of the 2-3 most consistently hilarious shows on Earwolf.
  6. Best episode yet. Also, I'm worried that Caitlyn has Carrie Coon Syndrome.
  7. As much as I liked the actual content of this episode, the most enjoyment I got was by imagining PFT listening to it and going GIRLS ON SKIS Two minutes later
  8. I defy any piece of scripted entertainment to come up with something as funny as Blasooch trying to find a Cockney accent in real time.
  9. Kickpuncher

    Episode 506 - Hot Tub Diarrhea

    It's all well and good that we're nearly through the dog days of Augie Doggie, but I need to know precisely how deep we are into August vis-a-vis male genitalia. Great ep, Lennon is the best and Gethard meshed with him very well.
  10. I wonder if Felicity is a fan of DJ Backsplash and/or DJ Crown Molding.
  11. Kickpuncher

    Episode 038: Park, Theme Park (with Paul Scheer)

    This was great. My park name suggestion is Double 0 Heaven. (I know this is terrible.)
  12. Kickpuncher

    Episode 351 - Five Aside

    He would have moved there when they were still lovable losers, so I don't know why he didn't pick them, but agreed on the neutrality being crazy. Like Kulap, I went 5-for-5 on this week's HMQ. If you know that Girls Generation is K-Pop and Girls Aloud are British, it was pretty easy
  13. "Did you have a Reese fling?" "Oh God...What poison works the fastest?"
  14. Kickpuncher

    Episode 037: Goldeneye with Steve Agee

    "What's happening, are we under attack?" "Jesus Christ, it's a bomb...James Bomb."
  15. I wish Matt/Earwolf would hire Mary to come in and record sounds effects over every episode after they've been recorded.
  16. Kickpuncher

    Episode 350 - Slight Friction

    I wasn't able to really play along, but I knew 6/10 for sure, so I think I would have gotten 8 or all 10 depending on how well I guessed the rest. Trurl, totally agree on Beth, she's great!
  17. Kickpuncher

    Episode 504 - The Bigger the Percent the Better

    I don't typically like episodes (CBB or other) like this, but this one hit me just right. I think it's because Scott is just so damn good in the antagonistic role, mainly because the stuff he comes up with is so insane. Like when he said that Brett wouldn't tell a dance troupe that he didn't like the way they "twist and turn", and then got Brett to defend that specific choice of words even though he came up with it. (And Scott's nearly silent call-back to the West Wing "Jackal" scene was amazing.)
  18. Kickpuncher

    Episode 350 - Slight Friction

    This needs to become a weekly feature.
  19. My favorite aspect of HN is that the average insanity level of the guest characters is about an 11 out of 10. "Jill Stein" is a 15. One of the best episodes ever.
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 502 - Reese's Feces

    Great characters, and Richter is always aces. Also, 100% correct choice for the titular phrase. (Also, I was glad that Tina eventually corrected herself on the 'area' of the grape, because I'm mentally ill and that was really bugging me.)
  21. Ha ha, I was thinking that every time they suggested ways to differentiate their name from Turturro, and almost posted it here.
  22. Kickpuncher

    Episode 303 - The Auditions

    That's exactly why it was one of the best. (That and also all the other great stuff.)
  23. Great ep, classic Hines.