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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Kickpuncher

    Episode 172 — This is a Safe Zone

    I agree. It's a shame that the artist apparently doesn't get to be famous for one week.
  2. Kickpuncher

    Episode 89 — Grown-Up Laughs

    Such a fun episode, exactly as I'd expect. Can't believe it took this long to get Chelsea (one of the greats) on the show.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 65 — Free For All/ Tig Update

    Kyle reading the e-mails from his neighbors absolutely killed me.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 171 — Scrog Secretions

    Things I loved about this episode in addition to the general awesomeness: - The fact that Kroll apparently created a character inspired by Howard Kremer saying that he's "dipped in Eros" - "Porque Sandusky" - "Your voice is suddenly so normal and Jewish!"
  5. Kickpuncher

    Episode 107 — A Tale of Two Richards

    Amazing show. I had an ear-to-ear grin pretty much the whole way through. POSITIVE ENERGY (TM Steven Brody Stevens) was practically oozing out of my speakers and straight into my body.
  6. Kickpuncher

    Episode 88 — Tooth Talk

    Whoa! I gathered from Ayoade's appearance on Nerdist that McHale did an American adaptation pilot, but hearing that he himself and St. Clair were in it really makes me want to see it.
  7. Kickpuncher

    Episode 42 — Batman & Robin

    I can't believe no one on the show (especially when they mentioned the rampant anti-feminism) mentioned this gem from Elle MacPherson (the most laughably zero-dimensional character in an all-star cast of one-dimensional characters): "Show me how the satellites work." SHOW ME HOW THE SATELLITES WORK! I've listened to every HDTGM and this is the first time I actually watched the movie in preparation. Totally worth it. Every bit as hilariously awful as I remember. There are SO MANY weird/ridiculous/awful things about this movie that the podcast could have been two hours long. Anyway, they did a great job and hit most of the high/low points. Great choices of guests since both were funny and obviously knew a lot about the series and the characters in general.
  8. Great job keeping cool under those circumstances, and as a guest in general. Your personal story adds a level of resonance that the more science-y episodes (which, as a scientist, I generally love) with various experts can't touch. Hearing Tig talk about her upcoming stand-up show really made me feel good now that we know how well that turned out and the outpouring of love that she's received since then. I'm also glad to hear that she'll still be going to New York and trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life, and that she has a great friend to help her through it. On a lighter note, the Tig Wig discussion was an instant classic.
  9. Kickpuncher

    Question about Brody Stevens

    Anybody else watching his HBO Go series that (I think) debuted today? It's six ~15-minute episodes in a documentary format, and I've watched three so far. Pretty fascinating stuff, especially the second episode. I don't know if it exactly answers the question at hand, but it's probably the closest thing you'll get.
  10. Kickpuncher

    Episode 170 — New Scoop

    Yeah, Lennon has almost reached Tompkins/Daly/Adomian levels as someone whose face greeting me on the Earwolf main page genuinely excites me. A home run every time. "Scott AukerMAN." "Finally, someone gets it right!"
  11. Kickpuncher

    Episode 106 — Department Store Santa

    PFT could do a pretty good Iron Sheik with just a slight twist on his impression of the smoothie counter manager at Todd Glass's gym.
  12. Kickpuncher

    Episode 87.5 — 8/3/12/ TWO CHARTED 26

    Cool story. Maybe I'm just not paying close enough attention, but I haven't heard anything about this, which goes to show how little the media focuses on the non-glamor sports even though they love human interest stories like this. Also, for a split second, I mis-read the new coach's name as "Jimmy Pardo", which would have been AMAZING.
  13. Kickpuncher

    Episode 106 — Department Store Santa

    If you really want the sports connection to click, you guys should talk to someone at bonobos.com about getting Bo Jackson to endorse them so they can use the slogan "Bo Knows Bonobos". (I'm not claiming to have come up with that phrase, by the way, but it's one of the funnier things I've ever seen on Twitter.)
  14. Kickpuncher

    Episode 87 — Legal Weed

    "This is what my life is like. As soon as I start talking, I realize I'm wrong." Based on what I could faintly hear in the background, I'm glad that Howard didn't stop talking to listen to or acknowledge the pathetic, lifeless rendition of "And all the other boys" in the Kidz Bop version of Call Me Maybe.
  15. Kickpuncher

    Episode 63 — Relationships

    Welp, that's been heartbreaking. So bummed to hear about Tig's latest problem. Like the guys said, there's a decent chance that it will be nothing, and a good chance that she'll ultimately be fine if it does turn out to be cancer, but still, hearing about her physician's indifference was pretty infuriating. I know doctors use their best judgment, and I'm sure that not needlessly freaking people out factors into it, but it seems like you'd want to err on the side of caution. On a lighter note, I hope the "main topic" (ha ha) of the episode isn't too ignored/forgotten, because it was really good. Kyle's tales of youthful awkwardness are always a delight and it was nice to hear about David's new-ish relationship. During the part where they were talking about cheating and Tig jokingly asked if Kyle's girlfriend is a serial cheater, it would have been the funniest thing ever is he had said, "Well, there was this thing with Matt Damon..."
  16. Kickpuncher

    Episode 169 — Immortal Mustache

    I was hoping Scott was going to chime in with "And I thought that pie smelled bad on the outside!" It was also the second straight week where Scott made a Friends "The One With" joke (last week's was on Professor Blastoff).
  17. Kickpuncher

    Episode 169 — Immortal Mustache

    Yep, that moment was so great, and I love it anytime PFT laughs (including at the Sorry/sari line before Cake Boss was introduced) out of character. Yet again, the Scottabot's recounting of a character's backstory was a highlight, even if he missed a few more recent Cake Tales. I realized today that he's probably doing this for the benefit of new TV-inspired listeners, so I hope the trend continues. Also loved Cake Boss's offense at the cake/pie comparison and the mafia implication.
  18. Kickpuncher

    Episode 86.5 — 7/27/2012 TWO CHARTED 25

    Ha ha, that's awesome. So I had a dream last night where I was in bed with Kulap. NOT LIKE THAT! Kulap, a friend of mine (who I actually did go to college with), and I were in college and were in her dorm room. We were sitting on the bed eating stuff from that new Burger King "barbecue" menu and I spilled some of the sauce on the bed. Even though we were in college, she was apparently already married to Scott, because we joked that he would be mad about it making a stain. And then later it was just my friend and I, and we were lamenting that they were closing a Blockbuster near Scott & Kulap's house (I guess this part took place in present day). On a more serious note, the Ku chart was really great. Having heard her on Mental Illness Happy Hour and You Made it Weird, I know she's capable of that level of depth, but Wie surprised me a bit (I probably shouldn't be surprised, we just never see that side of him), and I loved that they were both able to inject the usual moments of silliness. And Wie's coffee shop story was genuinely painful (in an endearing way).
  19. Kickpuncher

    Episode 86.5 — 7/27/2012 TWO CHARTED 25

    I must have missed the Gore comment. What did she say?
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 62 — Fame

    Really fun episode. The Choctaw was great as always, and his Odenkirk impression made me burst out laughing. Another note on the mask thing - There actually was an episode of Futurama a few weeks ago about a super-famous award-winning actor who always wore a paper bag over his head! I thought it was a little weird that it took them over an hour to acknowledge that Kyle is in a relationship with someone who is significantly more famous than anyone on this show, but it would have been really weird if they didn't mention it at all. Then again, I guess it was really weird that they didn't acknowledge that Scott is in fact The World-Famous Scottabot.
  21. Kickpuncher

    Episode 85.5 — 7/20/2012 TWO CHARTED 24

    Awesome show as usual. "Flavor fandango" goes into the Wie-Wie-ism Hall of Fame. I'm probably flattering myself, but i like to think I played some (very) small part in the ongoing Sloppy Timmy saga. When Have a Summah came out, I tweeted at Howard saying that it was nice of Sloppy Timmy to let him use his theme song, and Howard replied saying "I hope he doesn't sue!"
  22. Kickpuncher

    Episode 167 — New No-Nos

    Count me as another vote to PLEASE do a Wompler/Lissler podcast for real. Loved this episode, just like every other Wompcast. Carmichael was really good for a first-timer and Rusty's no-no were great. Favorite random throw-away moment: Scott replying to Marissa making fun of him with a simple "Fuck you." Also, a second straight show where one of the funniest moments was Scott dryly running down the ridiculous details of a character's previous appearance.
  23. Kickpuncher

    Episode 84.5 — 7/13/2012 TWO CHARTED 23

    Yep. Lots of great lines, and "the Tokyo Rose of Summah" was an instant classic character. (Chartacter?) "Have a Summah 2: Guerrilla Pool Club" needs to be made right now.
  24. Kickpuncher

    Episode 35 — I Fixed It!

    Ignoring the "debate" with the Most Hated Man on Earwolf, because I only heard about half of it (mainly due to time constraints, but also due to having no desire to go back and finish it)... This might have been my favorite I4H ever. Lennon is so good and the circus/period segment was amazing. I'm not familiar with either of the other two, but thought they were both really good as well. Loved the return of the correcting girl at the end.
  25. Kickpuncher

    Episode 166 — Farts and Procreation 2

    Pretty sure she's just focusing on stand-up and touring more.