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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Great ep. Having purely fictional characters as guests is really weird, but it totally works. Side note, I really liked Wonder Woman, but out of context, the movie ending with Wonder Woman e-mailing Batman is totally deserving of Pete reacting as if it's the most ridiculous thing ever.
  2. Kickpuncher

    Episode 492 - Dashiki Fever

    It makes me laugh every time. Also, I feel like Scott saying it has coincided with a shift toward more of the character guests being original characters rather than celebrity impressions.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 492 - Dashiki Fever

    Fucking greatness. These certainly are two Interesting PeopleTM.
  4. Great ep! I don't know if they were just accidentally left out this week or if it was an intentional decision, but I like the show more without Lauren doing the bookend segments (especially the opening one). I get why they're done, but it makes it harder to get into the world of the episode.
  5. And then there was a talking horse in the improv. What is this, a cross-over episode? This was one of my favorite episodes in a while. You never know how things will go with first-time Spontonians, but the GLOWers nailed this one with an elbow off the top rope.
  6. Kickpuncher

    Episode 491 - Goo It

    Hey, ya know what? This episode was really great! When are they going to start selling "Comedy Bang-Bang: The Show Where We Talk to Interesting People" t-shirts?
  7. This was great! Also, I always wanted to hear a podcast hosted by Regular-Sized Rudy.
  8. Kickpuncher

    Episode 340 - Emotional Dance Conference

  9. Holy shit, that ending had some serious Hollywood Facts vibes. Amazing episode all around.
  10. Kickpuncher

    Episode 490 - Coma Pants

    Great ep. Silly old school style rapping is always funny.
  11. Anyone who doesn't like this episode can kiss my dick.
  12. Hey, jerseypin? Turn off the dark. Even though Scott couldn't bait Scott into saying 'sbeenawhile, this still gets a C+.
  13. Kickpuncher

    NEW Earwolf Store! Podswag.com!

    Hey, so I guess the store is set up with a flat-rate shipping charge of $8? This already feels high, but it's ridiculous for some of the small stuff that is available now. I was going to buy a Spont patch (which could probably be mailed with a first class stamp), but for $13? No thanks.
  14. Possibly the greatest group of humans ever assembled for a musical episode. Great ep!
  15. Kickpuncher

    Episode 339 - Total Mask On

    Completely agree. I know this won't be a popular sentiment, but I've never been a fan of Drew's improv/characters, and I thought he was great here.
  16. "They're setting the new Far Cry 5 there." "I've been to Billings - Oh fuck, what is that?!?" I'm convinced that a spin-off series where the Hard brothers discuss sci-fi would be the funniest thing on Earwolf.
  17. Really liked the multi-character format, fun episode.
  18. Yeah, between her and the Sklars, it was a real Earwolfy episode. None of them were doing anything particularly funny, but it looks like at least the Sklars will be back.
  19. Possibly the longest build-up and greatest pay-off of any moment in podcast history. Paul also completely losing his shit as they stumble to keep the details of the improv straight is amazing. He was right, not eating before the show definitely worked out well. (Also, I just listened to The Complete Woman this weekend, and it's really great.)
  20. Kickpuncher

    Episode 488 - 3 Kidnapped Boys

    It sounds fucking insane! Very funny episode. Characters with a weird twist that gets gradually revealed are almost always good.
  21. Does this episode make me laugh a lot? It somehow does. It somehow does. ... It somehow does.
  22. Kickpuncher

    Episode 337 - End of an Error

    "Chanteuse Wars" would have been the best and most obvious episode title ever.
  23. "A woman can't wear the cuckold hat!" "Tiffany" was great. I love when improv characters say completely insane things in a very casual manner.
  24. Great ep...and there may or may not be a commercial currently in heavy rotation that makes me well up every time I see it.