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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. Kickpuncher

    Episode 487 - Genie Awareness

    Haley is really funny, I wish he would have been involved more in the later segments. For anyone who hasn't seen it, the Slow Joey spin-off episode from the last season of CBB is amazing.
  2. YES! Ted is one of my favorite musicians and all-around good people, can't wait to listen.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 336 - No Chumming

    There were plenty of different charts that they would rotate between before they ever started using subjective lists or even Shazam and that ilk. And yes, the return of Chart Transplant (even if they couldn't remember the name) is a good solution either way.
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 336 - No Chumming

    Yeah, this was one where I definitely wanted more time with the guest.The Ed Sheeran discussion was amazing even if Lauren is obviously wrong.
  5. A+ Star Wars talk. Great ep all around.
  6. Pains! So much good stuff here. If Carl Tart is going to become a Spont regular, I'm going to get on Twitter and request "Acme Detective Agency" every week. PAAAUUUL F TOOOMPKINS!
  7. Kickpuncher

    Episode 486 - Schwimm On In

    Papa John's Misty feels like a great premise that can sustain itself either forever or for exactly one episode. Looking forward to finding out next week!
  8. I love when podcasts make accidental references to other podcasts. On this episode, Laura basically referred to "my ex-boyfriend whom I married", and Craig Rowin talked about ISIS.
  9. Kickpuncher

    Episode 335 - Rich Kid Woodstock

    The biggest dilemma with this show is that repeat guests are usually the best guests, but any episode with a new guest has a guaranteed A+ moment when they hear the movie chart theme for the first time.
  10. Crawitdaba de bang de bang diggy diggy diggy wit the boogy said up craw the boogy
  11. Kickpuncher

    The Forum Forum

    No, but it seems like the mere possibility of that happening is the problem. We're walking a fine line.
  12. Kickpuncher

    The Forum Forum

    Careful guys, this is getting dangerously close to turning into a CBB discussion thread which would have to be deleted.
  13. Why would a Canadian restaurant that serves a Canadian dish (I mean, I guess they probably serve other stuff, too), be called NEW YORK Fries? I don't know the exact date or anything, but I'm on a non-vomiting streak of about 15 years. Great episode. I love that Lauren's koala encounter now gets an obligatory mention/reference on every podcast she does with Paul and/or Scott.
  14. Kickpuncher

    Nerd Poker 2.0!

    NICE! Thanks for posting this. I'm sure I would have learned about it eventually, but I'm glad I don't have to fall behind before that happens.
  15. Listening to this episode, I had so fun.
  16. Kickpuncher

    Episode 334 - Patronizing, Not Patriarchal

    I don't doubt that it's a good show, but I was highly skeptical of it having 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, and indeed, it looks like Young Kevin flubbished this one - https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/into_the_badlands If Howard is going to block discussions of 40% of the TV shows for spoiler purposes, they shouldn't do TV charts. That aside, great episode.
  17. Next Monday is May 1st. Great ep. Double doses of Scott, Paul, and Gabrus in one day is a dream.
  18. Kickpuncher

    The Forum Forum

    Gotta keep slingin' that 'tent.
  19. Well that was exhausting.
  20. Mark's deep love/knowledge of Star Wars is one of my favorite running jokes.
  21. Kickpuncher

    Episode 333 - Selfie Springsteen

    It was never twice a week on sports. County was essentially the exact same show that DPT is.
  22. I was wondering about that, too. I just assumed that Matt had sent the guests the video so they'd have the context for CC, and they knew they'd be discussing it, so they figured it would be OK to hit it earlier and the listeners would get the reference.
  23. I love the idea of Lauren playing previously-unheard characters from Earwolf shows. Last week and this week were both incredibly funny. "You're racist!" "No...Well, yes, but..."
  24. Kickpuncher

    Episode 332 - Arby's Search Engine

    That's probably why they do a video game chart once every few months, and a TV chart much more often. Great ep, Howard was in rare form.