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Everything posted by Kickpuncher

  1. I couldn't tell if he meant "only drink skim milk" as opposed to other types of milk, or all other drinks, because the former seems totally normal and the latter seems impossible. Anyway, another classic. I can just imagine Paul getting outraged over Huckabee's assault on the comedic arts on Twitter (fun to watch in real time) and picking up some sort of Hard Nation Bat-Phone in order to set this up.
  2. Kickpuncher

    Episode 480 - Tooth of the Sea

    Also, check out her appearances on The Wahlberg Solution as Anne Hathaway, very funny.
  3. Kickpuncher

    Episode 480 - Tooth of the Sea

    Whatever it took to get to Scott's "pants" line was worth it. I actually thought the opening segment was great; Scott really shines in those interviews. Also, I felt like he was mere seconds away from coincidentally calling Jeff Bezos "Crazy Jeff".
  4. Kickpuncher

    Episode 331 - Cry Me a Violin

    GREAT EPISODE Angie Tribeca is really funny. Anyone who liked the CBB TV show should enjoy it.
  5. Kickpuncher

    Episode 479 - The Bunn Process

    I'm sure Gillian Jacobs liked this episode. (I did!)
  6. Holy shit, this episode. "Hannah" might be my favorite original LL character ever on WSG. Her rendition of "Gu Cruise" literally brought tears to my eyes.
  7. I could listen to Daly and Hines dissect sports team names for hours. "Oh, I didn't know there was a drawing." When it comes to service industry workers making minimum wage, I kind of feel like their responsibility in dealing with any problem begins and ends with telling their manager.
  8. Kickpuncher

    Episode 330 - Warlock Tinnitus

    Can't say I've ever thought that Howard looks like Nani. I also wouldn't exactly say that he looks like Oscar Isaac, but I've been reading the Poe Dameron comic series, and he's drawn to look strikingly similar to Howard.
  9. Daly is the exact right level of insane to fit in perfectly with the Hard Boys. I wonder if Tony Bologna knew Tony Pepperoni?
  10. I saw the logo on here on Monday morning, and then Paul posted it on Twitter so that it was big enough to see the details, and I was BLOWN AWAY by those. (The colors also match the button colors.)
  11. Great timing for this episode to come out the day after an episode of Bob's Burgers that was about debate team. One of my favorite moments ever from the improviser chats was Blasooch getting fake-mad at Paul asking her about the kitchen, and Eban playing that old stereotypical Italian song.
  12. Kickpuncher

    Episode 478 - Spank Me With A Feather!

    Tatiana posted that she recorded an episode this weekend, so I was really hoping that would be out today, but this full line-up is beyond my wildest dreams.
  13. Kickpuncher

    Episode 107 - Laura Willcox: I Am Bride

    It's kind of amazing how she drifts off of the (non-existent) beat, and then somehow gets back on it.
  14. Kickpuncher

    Episode 107 - Laura Willcox: I Am Bride

    That is the exact word I just used in reference to it on Twitter. So happy to have this show back on the schedule.
  15. Kickpuncher

    Episode 477 - Two Fingers Wide

    My favorite thing about the Lennon episodes is that it's all silly stuff. This one was great. American Football are great laughers.
  16. Holy shit what a group of humans!
  17. Kickpuncher

    Episode 329 - A Fedora-Like Mindset

    Despite having zero interest in One Direction, I would absolutely listen to a 1D podcast with Howard and D'Arcy. "The Ellen Pompano of behind 'em scenes" and "Chasm between the 'gasms" were both all-time great lines.
  18. God, I really wish that "Merkel's Urkel" actually was the next episode.
  19. "Flicking your space bean on the regular" might be the funniest seven words ever spoken. I really took a Shining to this episode.
  20. I enjoyed listening to this podcast while watching that video of a fox decomposing. Fingers crossed for Amanda on Curb!
  21. Kickpuncher

    Episode 475 - Prince and John Popper

    Did anyone else notice that in Scott's bit/non-bit of forgetting Gino's last name, he confused him with Chelsea Peretti's character on Brooklyn 99? I know Scott is busy, but I actually got kind of angry that he...er. his friend...hasn't seen all of it yet. It's genuinely one of the best shows on TV. I love that August actually referred to events from that show here.
  22. Return of LL and back-to-back Eugene days, very nice.
  23. Titsy Harry is the first recruit for the Improvengers. Great ep all around, but one thing that especially killed me was Eugene's creepy kid voice during the witch school scene.
  24. I love checking Earwolf on a Wednesday morning and laughing at the mere idea of the 'guest' on the new HN episode.